University of Diyala , College of Education for Human Sciences
The grammarians, among who was Dr.Abdula'al Salem Mkrim,were greatly concerned with syntax origins. Dr. Abdula'al had his own efforts on recognizing evidences in relation to listening the Holy Quran , the Quranic recitations , the Glorious Hadith , and the speech of Arabs whether poetry or prose . He relied on them and could deduce certain syntactical rules pointing out what specialists said as well as the views given by Basri and Kufi grammarians.The present study aims at showing Dr. Abdula'al Salem Mkrim's views in this concern as were included in his syntactic writings. He collected previous views, as well as speeches in relation to syntactic listening evidences and he referred to his own point of view concerning the Basri and Kufis' methods. Besides, his other views were included in his books: "The Holy Quran and Its Impact on Syntactic Studies ", " Quranic Recitations and their Impact on Syntactic Studies".
The grammarians, among who was Dr.Abdula'al Salem Mkrim,were greatly concerned with syntax origins. Dr. Abdula'al had his own efforts on recognizing evidences in relation to listening the Holy Quran , the Quranic recitations , the Glorious Hadith , and the speech of Arabs whether poetry or prose . He relied on them and could deduce certain syntactical rules pointing out what specialists said as well as the views given by Basri and Kufi grammarians.The present study aims at showing Dr. Abdula'al Salem Mkrim's views in this concern as were included in his syntactic writings. He collected previous views, as well as speeches in relation to syntactic listening evidences and he referred to his own point of view concerning the Basri and Kufis' methods. Besides, his other views were included in his books: "The Holy Quran and Its Impact on Syntactic Studies ", " Quranic Recitations and their Impact on Syntactic Studies".
إنَّ علماء النحو عنوا عناية فائقة بالأصول النحوية ، وكان للدكتور عبد العال سالم مكرم جهود في إبراز جملة من الأدلة السماعية كالقرآن الكريم والقراءات القرآنية ، والحديث الشريف وكلام العرب : شعرهم ونثرهم ، والاستشهاد بها والاستدلال بها على قواعد نحوية وتوجيهها ، وإيراد أقوال العلماء فيها ، وبيان موقف البصريين والكوفيين منها .
لهذا جاءت الدراسة له في بحثي هذا من خلال عرض آراء الدكتور عبد العال سالم مكرم بهذا الخصوص ، بحسب ما أوردها في مؤلفاته النحوية ؛ إذ جمع ما سبقته من الآراء والأقوال المتعلقة بالأدلة السماعية النحوية ، وعرض موقفه من المنهجين البصري والكوفي بهذا الخصوص ، فضلا عن آرائه التي أوردها في كتابيه ( القرآن الكريم وأثره في الدراسات النحوية ) ، و( القراءات القرآنية وأثرها في الدراسات النحوية ) .
لهذا جاءت الدراسة له في بحثي هذا من خلال عرض آراء الدكتور عبد العال سالم مكرم بهذا الخصوص ، بحسب ما أوردها في مؤلفاته النحوية ؛ إذ جمع ما سبقته من الآراء والأقوال المتعلقة بالأدلة السماعية النحوية ، وعرض موقفه من المنهجين البصري والكوفي بهذا الخصوص ، فضلا عن آرائه التي أوردها في كتابيه ( القرآن الكريم وأثره في الدراسات النحوية ) ، و( القراءات القرآنية وأثرها في الدراسات النحوية ) .