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Explore our collection of academic journals organized by subject classification

Agriculture S
2 Journals 10 Sub-Subjects 18 Total Journals
Agriculture (General) S1-972
2 Journals
Animal culture SF1-1100
3 Journals 4 Sub-Subjects 7 Total Journals
Cattle SF191-275
2 Journals 2 Sub-Subjects 1 Total Journals
Dairying SF221-250
Veterinary medicine SF600-1100
4 Journals
Forestry SD1-669.5
1 Journal
Hunting sports SK1-664
1 Journal
Plant culture SB1-1110
2 Journals
Auxiliary sciences of history C
1 Journal 6 Sub-Subjects 8 Total Journals
Archaeology CC1-960
3 Journals
Biography CT21-9999
Genealogy CS1-3090
History of Civilization CB3-482
5 Journals 1 Sub-Subjects
By period CB305-430
Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Z
2 Journals 3 Sub-Subjects 3 Total Journals
Bibliography Z1001-8999
1 Journal 1 Sub-Subjects
Information resources (General) ZA3040-5185
2 Journals
Education L
9 Journals 4 Sub-Subjects 7 Total Journals
Education (General) L7-991
4 Journals
History of education LA5-2396
1 Journal
Fine Arts N
5 Journals 11 Sub-Subjects 12 Total Journals
Architecture NA1-9428
2 Sub-Subjects 2 Total Journals
Arts in general NX1-820
3 Journals 3 Sub-Subjects 3 Total Journals
History of the arts NX440-632
1 Journal
Print media NE1-3002
1 Journal
Sculpture NB1-1952
1 Journal
Painting ND25-3416
1 Journal
Visual arts N1-9211
2 Journals