The pain intensity during the baseline visit among Lavender group were mild 3 (10%)
, moderate 16 (53.3%), and sever 11 (36.7%), in comparison to β-sitosterol 1(3.3%),
16 (53.3%), and 13(43.3%) respectively, among control group were 3(3.3%), 15(50 %)
and 14(46.7%) respectively. The pain intensity during day 7 visit among Lavender
group were no pain 12(40%), mild 18(60%), and moderate 0(0%), in comparison to β-
sitosterol 6 (20%), 19(63.3%), and 5(16.7%) respectively, among control group were
6(20%), 6(60%) and 18(60%) respectively. The pain intensity during day 14 visit
among Lavender group were no pain 30(100%), and mild 0(0%), in comparison to β-
sitosterol 26 (86.7%), and 4(13.3%), respectively. Regarding redness; was no redness
among 16 (53.3%), 14(46.7%) mild redness, and moderate redness 0(0%) of the
Lavender group in comparison to 10(33.3%), mild 18(60%), and moderate 2 (6.7%)
among β-sitosterol group, and 2(6.7%), 20(66.7%) and 8(26.7%) among control group
respectively, this relation were statically significant. Regarding edema; was no edema
21(70%), and mild edema 9(30%) among Lavender group in comparison to 12 (40%),
mild 16(53.3%) among β-sitosterol group, and 6(20%), and 16(53.3%) among control
group, this relation were statically significant. Discharge was none 10(33.3%), and
16(53.3%) among Lavender group in comparison to 4(13.3%), mild 24(80%) among
β-sitosterol group, and 4(13.3%), and 12(40%) among control group. Approximation
was (good) closed wound sites among 14(46.7%), and mild approximation among
13(43.3%) of Lavender group in comparison to good 6(20%), mild 22 (73.3%) among
β-sitosterol group, and 6(20%), and 18(60%) among control group.
, moderate 16 (53.3%), and sever 11 (36.7%), in comparison to β-sitosterol 1(3.3%),
16 (53.3%), and 13(43.3%) respectively, among control group were 3(3.3%), 15(50 %)
and 14(46.7%) respectively. The pain intensity during day 7 visit among Lavender
group were no pain 12(40%), mild 18(60%), and moderate 0(0%), in comparison to β-
sitosterol 6 (20%), 19(63.3%), and 5(16.7%) respectively, among control group were
6(20%), 6(60%) and 18(60%) respectively. The pain intensity during day 14 visit
among Lavender group were no pain 30(100%), and mild 0(0%), in comparison to β-
sitosterol 26 (86.7%), and 4(13.3%), respectively. Regarding redness; was no redness
among 16 (53.3%), 14(46.7%) mild redness, and moderate redness 0(0%) of the
Lavender group in comparison to 10(33.3%), mild 18(60%), and moderate 2 (6.7%)
among β-sitosterol group, and 2(6.7%), 20(66.7%) and 8(26.7%) among control group
respectively, this relation were statically significant. Regarding edema; was no edema
21(70%), and mild edema 9(30%) among Lavender group in comparison to 12 (40%),
mild 16(53.3%) among β-sitosterol group, and 6(20%), and 16(53.3%) among control
group, this relation were statically significant. Discharge was none 10(33.3%), and
16(53.3%) among Lavender group in comparison to 4(13.3%), mild 24(80%) among
β-sitosterol group, and 4(13.3%), and 12(40%) among control group. Approximation
was (good) closed wound sites among 14(46.7%), and mild approximation among
13(43.3%) of Lavender group in comparison to good 6(20%), mild 22 (73.3%) among
β-sitosterol group, and 6(20%), and 18(60%) among control group.
β-sitosterol in Episiotomy.
β-sitosterol versus Lavender in Episiotomy