The Damascus played an explicit and effective role in the process of building the civilization of Al_Andalus since the settlement of the Muslims in Al_Andalus amongst them was Muaawia bin Salih Al_Himsi who, in turn , contributed in the establishment of the earliest seeds of care concerning the recitation and the study of the honorable prophetic tradition science in Al_Andalus to which Muaawia bin Salih Al_Himsi travelled and settled in Al_andalus in (123A.H – 740A.D) and remained within some of its cities and at the end he settled in its capital Qurtuba and became the judge of this city after being chosen by the Omayad Prince Abdul_Rahman bin Muaawia.
The latter clearly realized the highest scientific importance and value of Muaawia bin Salih who shared a great number of Malik bin Anas men and followers like Yahyia bin Saaed and obtained some information from the orientals who were in their turns the masters of the Prophetic tradition like Sufyaan Al_Thawri and Al_Layth bin Saad .
The latter clearly realized the highest scientific importance and value of Muaawia bin Salih who shared a great number of Malik bin Anas men and followers like Yahyia bin Saaed and obtained some information from the orientals who were in their turns the masters of the Prophetic tradition like Sufyaan Al_Thawri and Al_Layth bin Saad .
University of Mosul-Faculty of Education-Depa
منذ استقرار المسلمين في الأندلس كان للشاميين دور واضح في صنع حضارتها ومنهم معاوية بن صالح الحمصي الذي ساهم بوضع اولى بذور الاهتمام برواية و دراسة علم الحديث النبوي الشريف في الأندلس ،اذ رحل اليها سنة (123 هـ/740م )واستقر فيها وتنقل في بعض مدنها الى ان حط به الرحال في عاصمتها قرطبة . وولاه الأمير الأموي عبد الرحمن الداخل قضائها ،وذلك لإدراك الأمير عبد الرحمن للقيمة العلمية العالية التي كانت لدى معاوية بن صالح،لاسيما وانه شارك الامام مالك بن انس في الكثير من رجاله مثل يحيى بن سعيد وبالمقابل ايضا اخذ عنه من أهل المشرق من أئمة الحديث سفيان الثوري و الليث بن سعد .
جامعة الموصل- كلية التربية – قسم التاريخ