The conquests in the Arab Islamic state of the most important
factors that have helped to spread Islam in parts of the wide range
in the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and the Levant and Persia, and was
the beginning of this expansion in the era of the Prophet
Mohammed (peace be upon him), then the era of the Caliphs, have
varied motives Fotouh, respectively love in the development
processes Fotouh, motives that were initially limited to the religious
The conquests in the Arab Islamic state of the most important
factors that have helped to spread Islam in parts of the wide range
in the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and the Levant and Persia, and was
the beginning of this expansion in the era of the Prophet
Mohammed (peace be upon him), then the era of the Caliphs, have
varied motives Fotouh, respectively love in the development
processes Fotouh, motives that were initially limited to the religious
Tikrit University / Faculty of Education
وغیرها من الدوافع الأخرى ، كل ذلك دفع المسلمین الى الدخول في معارك فاصلة خاضوها في
الع ا رق والشام وبلاد فارس ، واهم هذه المعارك هي القادسیة والیرموك وفتح الفتوح ، وقد حققوا
فیها نتائج مذهلة كانت الأساس في انتشار الإسلام هناك.
الع ا رق والشام وبلاد فارس ، واهم هذه المعارك هي القادسیة والیرموك وفتح الفتوح ، وقد حققوا
فیها نتائج مذهلة كانت الأساس في انتشار الإسلام هناك.
جامعة تكريت / كلية التربية