The era of the British mandate in Iraq (1920-1932) of sensitive periods in the modern history of Iraq, as Iraq has entered a new era, witnessed significant political changes, social, and economic.
The British Mandate of Iraq has made Britain's crucial role in guiding Iraq economies as they put their hands on foreign trade, and transportation network in the country and made it, market for the supply of British Industry raw materials have focused their attention primarily on the achievement of political independence, and did not think about the actions that achieve lift the standard of living in the country.
It was when Iraq is in dire need of economic policy relate to implemented by the government of laws, legislation and regulations, aimed at improving the conditions under which live under the shadow of individuals in the country, so follow Iraq's economic policy was intended to rid Iraq of British control, whether political or economic, especially as the Iraq has suffered from unemployment and low salaries under the Mandate government ministries so I tried that was formed after the announcement of the national government in Iraq to deal with the economic conditions that prevailed in Iraq, but the attempts were compared Basta economic conditions that prevailed at the time.
He led the British colonial policy in Iraq to increase the stagnation of economic activity, and did not help to stimulate the domestic market, it was different cities and agricultural areas in markets in recession, and the economic relations between the different regions was very weak.
There has been a significant change in the official economic trends for Iraq after the cancellation of the Mandate, which reflects clearly, the reality of the limited shift in the political arena of the country after its independence after entering Iraq, the League of Nations in 1932, which did not bring with it a change in the existing system architecture.
The British Mandate of Iraq has made Britain's crucial role in guiding Iraq economies as they put their hands on foreign trade, and transportation network in the country and made it, market for the supply of British Industry raw materials have focused their attention primarily on the achievement of political independence, and did not think about the actions that achieve lift the standard of living in the country.
It was when Iraq is in dire need of economic policy relate to implemented by the government of laws, legislation and regulations, aimed at improving the conditions under which live under the shadow of individuals in the country, so follow Iraq's economic policy was intended to rid Iraq of British control, whether political or economic, especially as the Iraq has suffered from unemployment and low salaries under the Mandate government ministries so I tried that was formed after the announcement of the national government in Iraq to deal with the economic conditions that prevailed in Iraq, but the attempts were compared Basta economic conditions that prevailed at the time.
He led the British colonial policy in Iraq to increase the stagnation of economic activity, and did not help to stimulate the domestic market, it was different cities and agricultural areas in markets in recession, and the economic relations between the different regions was very weak.
There has been a significant change in the official economic trends for Iraq after the cancellation of the Mandate, which reflects clearly, the reality of the limited shift in the political arena of the country after its independence after entering Iraq, the League of Nations in 1932, which did not bring with it a change in the existing system architecture.
Tikrit University / Faculty of education for
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله r السراج المنير الذي أرسله الله رحمة للعالمين وعلى اله وصحابته الذين نصروه ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين.
تعد حقبة الانتداب البريطاني في العراق ( 1920-1932) من الحقب الحساسة في تاريخ العراق المعاصر، إذ دخل العراق عهد جديد، شهد تحولات سياسية، واجتماعية، واقتصادية مهمة.
ان الانتداب البريطاني للعراق جعل لبريطانيا الدور الحاسم في توجيه اقتصاديات العراق، إذ وضعوا أيديهم على التجارة الخارجية، وشبكة المواصلات في البلاد وجعلوا منه، سوقا لتزويد الصناعة البريطانية بالمواد الخام وقد ركزوا اهتمامهم، بالدرجة الأولى على تحقيق الاستقلال السياسي، ولم يفكروا في الإجراءات التي تحقق رفع مستوى المعيشة في البلاد.
تعد حقبة الانتداب البريطاني في العراق ( 1920-1932) من الحقب الحساسة في تاريخ العراق المعاصر، إذ دخل العراق عهد جديد، شهد تحولات سياسية، واجتماعية، واقتصادية مهمة.
ان الانتداب البريطاني للعراق جعل لبريطانيا الدور الحاسم في توجيه اقتصاديات العراق، إذ وضعوا أيديهم على التجارة الخارجية، وشبكة المواصلات في البلاد وجعلوا منه، سوقا لتزويد الصناعة البريطانية بالمواد الخام وقد ركزوا اهتمامهم، بالدرجة الأولى على تحقيق الاستقلال السياسي، ولم يفكروا في الإجراءات التي تحقق رفع مستوى المعيشة في البلاد.
جامعة تكريت/ كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية