The economic systems brought by Islam have a significant impact on the lives of the nations that entered Islam as the financial position of any country represents accurately reflects the strength or weakness of the state.
The politics of any country is its financial system with its resources and banks, and the fiscal policy of each country is based on balancing its resources and expenses. The Islamic Caliphate maintained a financial balance, one day it did not resort to the right to bargain against the rights of the Islamic nation in exchange for a financial cover, however, the money was available at the money house, and the guardian of the house of money was only the faithful, the money came to Beit al-Mal (money house) from various sources, mainly zakat (Alms).
When talking about the economic heritage of the Arab Islamic Caliphate, we find ourselves in front of a coherent and tightly knit heritage system, which has illuminated the Arab-Islamic civilization and achieved the happiness of humanity. The economic system in the Arab Islamic Caliphate is part of the Islamic system that has remained and is still a great monument that will not be able to destroy the scars of fraud and malicious distortion, and it will not be able to distort the corrupt pens (even if some of them are back). And the systems established by the Muslims were unable to do so.
The most prominent Islamic financial systems in Islam are fairly independent of all financial systems in the world. The most important principles of these systems are the rules of the wholeness approved by the Holy Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah. Subdivided branches are measured according to the evolution of conditions.
The researchers differed in their classification of the general resources of the Money House in Islam according to the criteria on which they measure. However, they are limited to two sections: the first is the annual or periodic revenues. This means the resources that are collected in a certain period as the abscess.
The second part is the non-annual or periodic revenues. It means the resources collected regardless of the criteria of time, such as the tenth of the trade, the wine, the fifth of spoils, the fifth of metals, the ore and the legacy of the deceased, and the money of the shot and all that is not known to him.
The Arab Islamic Caliphate has followed this policy since its inception, where it established the House of Money, which is based on maintaining the Muslims' money and preserving it and not to dispose of it except as required by the benefit of Muslims. It is really like the Ministry of Finance, and its owner is acting as Minister of Finance at present.
It is known that the most important imports of the House of Money in the Islamic Caliphate are: Zakat, Al-Ghanimah, Al-Faya which includes Al-Kharaj, Al-Jaziya and Al-Ashoor.
The politics of any country is its financial system with its resources and banks, and the fiscal policy of each country is based on balancing its resources and expenses. The Islamic Caliphate maintained a financial balance, one day it did not resort to the right to bargain against the rights of the Islamic nation in exchange for a financial cover, however, the money was available at the money house, and the guardian of the house of money was only the faithful, the money came to Beit al-Mal (money house) from various sources, mainly zakat (Alms).
When talking about the economic heritage of the Arab Islamic Caliphate, we find ourselves in front of a coherent and tightly knit heritage system, which has illuminated the Arab-Islamic civilization and achieved the happiness of humanity. The economic system in the Arab Islamic Caliphate is part of the Islamic system that has remained and is still a great monument that will not be able to destroy the scars of fraud and malicious distortion, and it will not be able to distort the corrupt pens (even if some of them are back). And the systems established by the Muslims were unable to do so.
The most prominent Islamic financial systems in Islam are fairly independent of all financial systems in the world. The most important principles of these systems are the rules of the wholeness approved by the Holy Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah. Subdivided branches are measured according to the evolution of conditions.
The researchers differed in their classification of the general resources of the Money House in Islam according to the criteria on which they measure. However, they are limited to two sections: the first is the annual or periodic revenues. This means the resources that are collected in a certain period as the abscess.
The second part is the non-annual or periodic revenues. It means the resources collected regardless of the criteria of time, such as the tenth of the trade, the wine, the fifth of spoils, the fifth of metals, the ore and the legacy of the deceased, and the money of the shot and all that is not known to him.
The Arab Islamic Caliphate has followed this policy since its inception, where it established the House of Money, which is based on maintaining the Muslims' money and preserving it and not to dispose of it except as required by the benefit of Muslims. It is really like the Ministry of Finance, and its owner is acting as Minister of Finance at present.
It is known that the most important imports of the House of Money in the Islamic Caliphate are: Zakat, Al-Ghanimah, Al-Faya which includes Al-Kharaj, Al-Jaziya and Al-Ashoor.
zakat - Quran
الحمدُ للهِ ربِّ العالمينَ الذي أبدعَ النُّظمَ الكونيّةَ، فجعلَ أفضلَ الأنظمةِ ما اختصتْ بهِ الأمّةُ المحمّديّةُ، فكانتْ خيرَ أمّةٍ أُخرجتْ للنّاسِ، كما في قوله : ﮋ ﭞ ﭟ ﭠ ﭡ ﭢ ﭣ ﭤ ﭥ ﭦ ﭧ ﭨ ﭩﭪ ﮊ. وسُبحانهُ وتعالى الذي وضعَ الأساسَ، فشرّعَ أحكامَ الحياةِ للناسِ، وبيّنَ المناهجَ دونَ غُموضٍ أو التباسٍ. والصّلاةُ والسّلامُ على رسولِ اللهِ، محمّدِ بنِ عبدِالله، وعلى آلهِ الطيّبينَ الطّاهرينَ، وصحابتهِ الغرِّ الميامينَ، منَ الأنصارِ والمهاجرينَ. ثمّ إنَّ اللهَ خلقَ الإنسانَ وجعلهُ خليفتهً في أرضهِ ليعّمرها: ﮋ ﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘ ﭙﭚﮊ، فجعلهُ يبحثُ ويجرّبُ ويُخطئُ ويُصيبُ، وهوَ يعلمُ أنَّ الإنسانَ لن يستطيعَ مهما بلغَ أن يضعَ نظاماً لهذهِ الحياةِ خالياً منَ العيوبِ، يكفلُ لها مسيرةَ الحياةِ دونَ ميلٍ أو اعوجاجٍ، ولهذا وضعَ اللهُ للإنسانِ دستوراً ومنهاجاً يسيرُ عليه في حياتهِ منذُ عهدِ أبينا آدمَ ومَن جاءَ بعدهُ منَ الأنبياءِ والرّسلِ، حتّى عهدِ نبيّنا محمدٍ الذي جاءَ على فترةٍ من الزمنِ، وانقطاعٍ من الرّسلِ، وقلّةٍ من العلمِ، وضَلالٍ منَ الأمرِ، وتحريفٍ للشرائعِ، فأنزلَ عليهِ اللهُ كتاباً لا يمحوهُ الزمنُ، ولا يؤثّرُ فيهِ القِدمُ، ولا ينالُ منهُ العابثونَ: ﮋ ﮗ ﮘ ﮙ ﮚ ﮛ ﮜ ﮝ ﮞ ﮊ. وقد أتمَّ الخلفاءُ الراشدون والصّحابةُ الكرامُ ، ما جاءَ به رسولُ ، على أكمل وجه، فوصل هذا الدّين الحنيف إلى بقاع العالم في أعوام قليلة، فقد قهروا أعظم دولتين في ذلك الوقت وهما فارس والروم، حتى ذابت دولة الفرس وتضاءلت دولة الروم حتى قَبعت وراء البحار. ولقد كانت النظُم والجوانب الاقتصاديّة التي جاء بها الإسلام ذات أثر عظيم في حياة الأمم التي دخلت فيه، إذ أنّ المركز الماليّ لأيّة دولة يمثّل الخط البياني الذي يُعبّر بصدق عن قوّة الدّولة أو ضعفها. وعند الحديث عن الجانب الاقتصادي في الخلافة العربيّة الإسلاميّة، فإنّنا نجد أنفسنا أمام نظام مُحكم مُترابط ودقيق، أشرقت به الحضارة العربيّة الإسلاميّة، وتحقّقت به سعادة الإنسانيّة. والجانب الاقتصادي في الخلافة العربيّة الإسلاميّة، هو جزء من أجزاء النظام الإسلامي، الذي بقي وما زال صَرحاً عظيماً لن يستطيع أحدٌ النيل منه، ﮋ ﭪ ﭫ ﭬ ﭭ ﭮﮊ ، ولطالما حاول بعض المفكّرين والمستشرقين من إثارة الشكوك والشُّبهات حول الإسلام والنظُم التي أرساها المسلمون
بيت المال -الزكاة - القرآن