The main purpose of this paper is to activate the death well called K22 (for confidential reasons) by injecting hot steam into the reservoir to reduce the viscosity of oil and increase the production rate. PVT, reservoir, well, completion and injection data are entered via prosper and Reveal software’s in order to analyze the performance of the initial well, to implement the hot steam injection method and to analyze the performance of the well K22 after the injection of hot steam using the nodal analysis method. The results initially obtained show that well K22 does not produce. To solve this problem, the injection of hot steam method provides from the nodal analysis for a liquid production rate of 2200 STB/day and a critical pressure of 2337.78 psi where the production rate of oil is 2187.8 STB/day, the water production rate is 21.1 STB/day and the gas production rate is 0.10894 STB/day for water cut of 0.92 %. The hot steam injection method is appropriate to put in production in well K22 because it reduces the density of the oil which facilitates its flow towards the production well. Therefore, it maximizes the oil production and it allows a profitability of $ 3158366.721 with a return on investment after 3 months and 3 days for 4 years of production.