The research dealt with the study of the life of the Muhaddith Abu Bakr al-Shafi’i (354 AH / 965 AD), his quest for knowledge in Baghdad and in some countries of the Arab Islamic world, his sheikhs and students, his culture and the scholars’ praise of him, and his method in the book of benefits, which was filled with important information that had a prominent impact on Filling in some gaps in the Arab-Islamic history, which dealt with the biography of the Prophet in the two reigns of Mecca and Medina, including the mission, the Isra and Mi’raj, the migration to Yathrib, and the religious aspects: fraternity, the pledge of allegiance to women, the miracles that took place on his hands, his ablution and his prayers, his guidance in fasting and pilgrimage, and his life His family and social status, his food, his drink, his joking and his caressing of children, boys and adults, he also dealt with the judicial, political and military aspects; This played a major role in enriching the Arab and Islamic civilization.
Die prophetische Biographie - Das Buch der Wo
تناول البحث دراسة حياة المحدِّث أبي بكر الشافعي (ت354هـ/965م), وسَعْيه في طلب العلم في بغداد, وفي بعض بلدان العالم العربي الاسلامي, ومشايخه وتلامذته, وثقافته وثناء العلماء عليه, ومنهجه في كتاب الفوائد, الذي حفل بمعلومات هامَّة كان لها أثر بارز في سدِّ بعض الثغرات في التاريخ العربي الاسلامي, التي تناولت سيرة النبي في عهدَيْها المكي والمدني, ومنها البعثة, والإسراء والمعراج, والهجرة إلى يثرب, والجوانب الدينية: المؤاخاة, وبيعة النساء, والمعجزات التي جرت على يديه, ووضوئه وصلاته, وهديه في الصيام والحج, وحياته الأسرية والاجتماعية, وصفته وطعامه وشرابه ومزاحه ومداعبته الأطفال والصبيان والكبار, كما تناول الجوانب القضائية والسياسية والعسكرية؛ فكان لذلك دور كبير في إغناء الحضارة العربية الاسلامية.
السيرة النبوية - كتاب الفوائد - ابو بكر