Praise be to God, whose grace good deeds are completed, and after: This research entitled: ((Combining the conflicting texts of Imam Abdullah bin Salem Al-Basri in his book Zia Al-Sari fi Pathways of the Doors of Al-Bukhari)) is intended as a study on the book “Dia’ Al-Sari in the Paths of the Gates of Al-Bukhari” Where in his book he used to provide answers to push out the contradiction, and remove the confusion, without linking them to the rules that control them, so this research shows the method of combining the conflicting texts, and formulating them in the form of rules in each of the three methods of pushing the contradiction: combination, copying and weighting.
The research included two sections: the first topic was the definition of the contradiction and the methods of repelling the contradiction between the legal evidence, and the second topic came to talk about the approach of Imam Abdullah bin Salem Al-Basri in repelling the contradiction between the Sharia texts by the method of combination that he used, may God have mercy on him.
The work of Imam al-Basri was, as a first step, when there was a conflict between the legal texts, so he focused on combining them as much as possible, because the implementation of the two evidence for him is more important than neglecting one of them, and if it is possible to combine, there is no conflict, and he thus agrees with the public in presenting the combination, then abrogation, then weighting, and from The aspects of the plural used by Allamah Al-Basri, may God have mercy on him, the plural by restricting the absolute, and by carrying the overall to the interpreter, and the plural by carrying the command to the recommendation, and by carrying the prohibition to the dislike, and by carrying both of the two commands to permissibility, and the plural by taking the addition, and carrying the word to the metaphor, and if for fear of prolongation I moved it, and mentioned Two aspects of the plural in which Imam Al-Basri relied on the rule of plural in order to reach the ruling of Sharia in it: the first aspect is the plural by specialization of the year, and Imam Abdullah bin Salem Al-Basri (may God have mercy on him), who is nicknamed: Musnad Al-Hijaz and Hafiz, was born in Mecca, died and was buried there in the year (1134 AH) and the importance of the book (The Light in the Paths of the Gates of Al-Bukhari) and its features: It is a precious explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari, the honor of being given in the explanations has an example, but he was short of time to complete it. one-third and so on.
May God’s peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions.
The research included two sections: the first topic was the definition of the contradiction and the methods of repelling the contradiction between the legal evidence, and the second topic came to talk about the approach of Imam Abdullah bin Salem Al-Basri in repelling the contradiction between the Sharia texts by the method of combination that he used, may God have mercy on him.
The work of Imam al-Basri was, as a first step, when there was a conflict between the legal texts, so he focused on combining them as much as possible, because the implementation of the two evidence for him is more important than neglecting one of them, and if it is possible to combine, there is no conflict, and he thus agrees with the public in presenting the combination, then abrogation, then weighting, and from The aspects of the plural used by Allamah Al-Basri, may God have mercy on him, the plural by restricting the absolute, and by carrying the overall to the interpreter, and the plural by carrying the command to the recommendation, and by carrying the prohibition to the dislike, and by carrying both of the two commands to permissibility, and the plural by taking the addition, and carrying the word to the metaphor, and if for fear of prolongation I moved it, and mentioned Two aspects of the plural in which Imam Al-Basri relied on the rule of plural in order to reach the ruling of Sharia in it: the first aspect is the plural by specialization of the year, and Imam Abdullah bin Salem Al-Basri (may God have mercy on him), who is nicknamed: Musnad Al-Hijaz and Hafiz, was born in Mecca, died and was buried there in the year (1134 AH) and the importance of the book (The Light in the Paths of the Gates of Al-Bukhari) and its features: It is a precious explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari, the honor of being given in the explanations has an example, but he was short of time to complete it. one-third and so on.
May God’s peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions.
incompatibility - inconsistency - Plural - tr
الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصّالحات، وبعد: فهذا البحث المعنون ب: ((الجمع بين النصوص المتعارضة عند الإمام عبد الله بن سالمٍ البصريِّ في كتابه ضياء الساري في مسالك أبواب البخاري )) يُراد به دراسة على كتاب " ضياء الساري في مسالك أبواب البخاري " حيث دأب في كتابه على تقرير أجوبة يندفع بها التعارض ، ويزول بها الإشكال ، فجاء هذا البحث مبينا لطريقة الجمع بين النصوص المتعارضة ،وتضمن مبحثين: المبحث الأول تعريف التعارض وطرق دفع التعارض ، وجاء المبحث الثاني للحديث عن منهج الإمام عبدالله بن سالم البصري في دفع التعارض بين النصوص الشرعية بطريقة الجمع التي استعملها رحمه الله.
وقد كان عمل الإمام البصري ،كخطوة أولى عند التعارض إعمال الدليلين عنده أولى من إهمال أحدهما، وإذا أمكن الجمع فلا تعارض، وهو بذلك يوافق الجمهور في تقديم الجمع ثم النسخ ثم الترجيح، ومن أوجه الجمع التي استعملها العلامة البصري الجمع بتقيد المطلق، و بحمل المجمل على المفسر، أو بحمل الأمر على الندب، وبحمل النهي على الكراهة، وبحمل كلا الأمرين على الجواز، والجمع بالأخذ بالزيادة ،وبحمل اللفظ على المجاز، ولو خشية الإطالة لنقلته، وقد ذكرت وجهين للجمع التي اعتمد فيها الإمام البصري على قاعدة الجمع للوصول إلى حكم الشرع فيها: الوجه الاول الجمع بتخصيص العام، والوجه الثاني:الجمع ببيان تغاير الحال أو المحل، والإمام عبدالله بن سالم البصري(رحمه الله) يلقبُ: بمسند الحجاز وحافظه، ولد بمكة ومات ودفن بها سنة(1134 ه) وأهمِّيةُ كِتابِ ( الضياء الساري في مسالك أبواب البخاري ) وميِّزَاتُه: هو شرح نفيس لصحيح البخاري ، عز أن يلقى في الشروح له مثال لكن ضاق به الوقت عن إكماله سماه ،وذكر فيه عيون ما في فتح الباري والكرماني وغيرهما، فهو أبسط من القسطلاني وفتح الباري، ووصل إلى الثلث ونحوه ،وصلّى الله على نبيا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.
وقد كان عمل الإمام البصري ،كخطوة أولى عند التعارض إعمال الدليلين عنده أولى من إهمال أحدهما، وإذا أمكن الجمع فلا تعارض، وهو بذلك يوافق الجمهور في تقديم الجمع ثم النسخ ثم الترجيح، ومن أوجه الجمع التي استعملها العلامة البصري الجمع بتقيد المطلق، و بحمل المجمل على المفسر، أو بحمل الأمر على الندب، وبحمل النهي على الكراهة، وبحمل كلا الأمرين على الجواز، والجمع بالأخذ بالزيادة ،وبحمل اللفظ على المجاز، ولو خشية الإطالة لنقلته، وقد ذكرت وجهين للجمع التي اعتمد فيها الإمام البصري على قاعدة الجمع للوصول إلى حكم الشرع فيها: الوجه الاول الجمع بتخصيص العام، والوجه الثاني:الجمع ببيان تغاير الحال أو المحل، والإمام عبدالله بن سالم البصري(رحمه الله) يلقبُ: بمسند الحجاز وحافظه، ولد بمكة ومات ودفن بها سنة(1134 ه) وأهمِّيةُ كِتابِ ( الضياء الساري في مسالك أبواب البخاري ) وميِّزَاتُه: هو شرح نفيس لصحيح البخاري ، عز أن يلقى في الشروح له مثال لكن ضاق به الوقت عن إكماله سماه ،وذكر فيه عيون ما في فتح الباري والكرماني وغيرهما، فهو أبسط من القسطلاني وفتح الباري، ووصل إلى الثلث ونحوه ،وصلّى الله على نبيا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.
- التعارض - التناقض - الجمع - النسخ - الترجيح