Reading (Qiraat) is one of the most important most effective with the longest and most written science in Quranic sciences.
Although the topics of this science were the differences between the recitation of the Qur'an by a limited number of people (especially the seven or ten or fourteen reciters) in the second century but its foundation was laid in the first century. The era in which the Messenger of God (PBUH) proclaimed the Holy Quran and the Companions received its recitation from his noble tongue. Therefore the first Muslim community selected a limited number of companions to teach the recitation of the Qur'an and "recitation of the Qur'an" was limited to these and thus the first class "Muqrin" and “Readers (of the Qur'an)" were formed.
In the second class although the number of people involved in the work and effective in reciting the Qur'an increased but the restrictions continued and the basis for citing the seven and ten reciters especially the quotation and recitation of the great readers of these two classes.
On the other hand since most of the authors in this science were Sunni writers at first glance it seems that Shiite scholars have done little in this science. However by examining and identifying the prominent figures of those two classes and their professors (Majority of Qur'an teachers) and the situation of this science in the first century and the beginning of its authorship it is known that Shiites (despite fewer numbers) have a more important role and influence than others. He has had others in the science of reading. This study seeks to show the dignity of Shiites and their position and influence in the field of one of the important sciences of the Holy Quran "the science of recitation".
Although the topics of this science were the differences between the recitation of the Qur'an by a limited number of people (especially the seven or ten or fourteen reciters) in the second century but its foundation was laid in the first century. The era in which the Messenger of God (PBUH) proclaimed the Holy Quran and the Companions received its recitation from his noble tongue. Therefore the first Muslim community selected a limited number of companions to teach the recitation of the Qur'an and "recitation of the Qur'an" was limited to these and thus the first class "Muqrin" and “Readers (of the Qur'an)" were formed.
In the second class although the number of people involved in the work and effective in reciting the Qur'an increased but the restrictions continued and the basis for citing the seven and ten reciters especially the quotation and recitation of the great readers of these two classes.
On the other hand since most of the authors in this science were Sunni writers at first glance it seems that Shiite scholars have done little in this science. However by examining and identifying the prominent figures of those two classes and their professors (Majority of Qur'an teachers) and the situation of this science in the first century and the beginning of its authorship it is known that Shiites (despite fewer numbers) have a more important role and influence than others. He has had others in the science of reading. This study seeks to show the dignity of Shiites and their position and influence in the field of one of the important sciences of the Holy Quran "the science of recitation".
the first century
the first class
the readers
The readings
the second class
the Shiites
القراءات، من أهمّ علوم القرآن ، وأشدها تأثیراً ، وأقدمها سابقة ، وأکثرها تآلیفاً. مع أنّ المباحث في هذا العلم تختص باختلاف قراءة القرآن من ناحیة أشخاص معینین (بالأخص القراء السبعة أو العشرة أو الأربعة عشر) في القرن الثاني، لکن أساسها وضعت في القرن الأول، العصر الذي بلّغ الرسول الأعظم القرآن الکریم و تلقّوا الصحابة قرائته من لسانه الشریف؛ فجماعة المسلمین الأوائل انتخبت نفراً قلیلاً من الصحابة لإقراء القرآن وانحصرت القراءة فیهم وهکذا أسست الطبقة الأولي للمقرئین ، وفي الطبقة الثانیة أیضا مع أنّ الذین تصدروا لقراءة القرآن وأثروا فيها إزدادوا وانتشروا، لکن أدام التجدید، فأساس إسناد قراء السبعة أو العشرة أو الأربعة عشر ، یصل إلی روایة وقراءة کبار هاتین الطبقتین خاصة ؛ ومن جانب آخر، بما أن أکثر مؤلفي هذا العلم من مصنفي العامة، یبدوا و في بادي الأمر، أنّ علماء الشیعة استهانوا بهذا العلم! لکن بعد الدراسة و المعرفة بأعلام تلك الطبقتین و مشایخها وأحوال هذا العلم في القرن الأول و نشأة التألیف فیه، یعلم أنّ الشیعة (مع قلة العدد) بالمقارنة مع الآخرین، لهم الدور الأهم و التأثیر الأتم في علم القراءات .
القراءات، القرّاء، الطبقة الأولی، الطبقة الثانیة، القرن الأوّل، الشیعة