“Arthritis” is a disorder that affects the body joints, the word was delivered from mixing Latin and
Greek origins. The current study aims to identify the common types of arthritis and its risk factors
in patients attending the outpatient clinic in Baghdad Hospital of medical city.The study was crosssectional and the data was collected by direct interview and through a special questionnaire, the
sample was randomly chosen and analysed through a descriptive statistical approach by using the
known test chi-square.Recent study showed that most common type of arthritis was rheumatoid
arthritis 86(57.4%). In addition, it noted that mostly 84(56%) who were in sampled study were aged
(36-65) years most of them were females 122(81.3%), study findings appeared that a higher percent
of BMI was among (overweight25<) was 55(36.7%) and (obesity=>30) was 48(32%). The study
concluded that so many factors may be associate with the incidence of chronic arthritis and there is
variation in the effect of those factors, but the current study found that these factors may contribute
to increase the incidence: female gender, Age group, Negative food consuming, obesity, housewife
positions. Rheumatic arthritis was the most common form in disease frequency. Majority of the
study sample were housewives. Most of the patients were females. More than half of the sample
was young age group. Osteoarthritis patients were suffering from obesity.The study recommended
establishing more healthy programs for early diagnosis, effective treatment and follow up patients,
health education programs about doing some exercises, daily walking and eating healthy.
Greek origins. The current study aims to identify the common types of arthritis and its risk factors
in patients attending the outpatient clinic in Baghdad Hospital of medical city.The study was crosssectional and the data was collected by direct interview and through a special questionnaire, the
sample was randomly chosen and analysed through a descriptive statistical approach by using the
known test chi-square.Recent study showed that most common type of arthritis was rheumatoid
arthritis 86(57.4%). In addition, it noted that mostly 84(56%) who were in sampled study were aged
(36-65) years most of them were females 122(81.3%), study findings appeared that a higher percent
of BMI was among (overweight25<) was 55(36.7%) and (obesity=>30) was 48(32%). The study
concluded that so many factors may be associate with the incidence of chronic arthritis and there is
variation in the effect of those factors, but the current study found that these factors may contribute
to increase the incidence: female gender, Age group, Negative food consuming, obesity, housewife
positions. Rheumatic arthritis was the most common form in disease frequency. Majority of the
study sample were housewives. Most of the patients were females. More than half of the sample
was young age group. Osteoarthritis patients were suffering from obesity.The study recommended
establishing more healthy programs for early diagnosis, effective treatment and follow up patients,
health education programs about doing some exercises, daily walking and eating healthy.
Body Mass
التهاب المفاصل" هو اضطراب يصيب مفاصل الجسم، وقد جاءت الكلمة من مزيج لغوي من أصول التينية ويونانية. تهدف "
الدراسة الحالية إلى التعرف على األنواع الشائعة من التهاب المفاصل وعوامل الخطر المرتبطة بها لدى المرضى الذين يراجعون
العيادة الخارجية في مستشفى بغداد في مدينة الطب. تمالتركيز بشكل خاص على التطورات األخيرة التي أدت إلى تحسين فهمنا
لمخاطر األمراض وتطورها. كانت الدراسة مقطعية وتم جمع البيانات عن طريق المقابلة المباشرة ومن خالل استمارة خاصة وتم
اختيار العينة عشوائيا ستخدام اختبار مربع كاي المعروف. أظهرت الدراسة أن ً وتحليلها من خالل المنهج اإلحصائي الوصفي وبا
النوع األكثر شيو ًعا من التهاب المفاصل هو التهاب المفاصل الرثوي 86 )57.4%(. باإلضافة إلى ذلك، الحظت أن 84 )56%(
الدراسة الحالية إلى التعرف على األنواع الشائعة من التهاب المفاصل وعوامل الخطر المرتبطة بها لدى المرضى الذين يراجعون
العيادة الخارجية في مستشفى بغداد في مدينة الطب. تمالتركيز بشكل خاص على التطورات األخيرة التي أدت إلى تحسين فهمنا
لمخاطر األمراض وتطورها. كانت الدراسة مقطعية وتم جمع البيانات عن طريق المقابلة المباشرة ومن خالل استمارة خاصة وتم
اختيار العينة عشوائيا ستخدام اختبار مربع كاي المعروف. أظهرت الدراسة أن ً وتحليلها من خالل المنهج اإلحصائي الوصفي وبا
النوع األكثر شيو ًعا من التهاب المفاصل هو التهاب المفاصل الرثوي 86 )57.4%(. باإلضافة إلى ذلك، الحظت أن 84 )56%(
Body Mass