There is no doubt that one of the most important aspects of life, as described by most public and private jurisprudence, lies in the concept of law, and this does not deny the extent of the close connection between law and change, as it recognizes the necessity of the law being subject to social change, and accordingly, life is a reflection of its circumstances in all its social, political, economic and cultural fields with a crowd. General requirements, we must. As a specialty of law professors and our prominent figures in constitutional and legal jurisprudence in Iraq and the Arab world, Whether they are legislators, judges, or researchers, they must live evolving events, monitor social reality, its causes, results, and what goes on within it, and be more aware of its good and bad aspects; The location of rights, duties, and all new interests and their protection from attacks; This is in order for the law to perform its major function of ensuring legal legitimacy and eliminating factors of disturbance, instability, and harm affecting individuals. It goes without saying, by choosing the optimal organization tools and advanced technologies in order to advance contemporary life, in addition to the social change and technological progress that humanity has reached in our world, which has become to an astonishing extent compared to previous times. Without question, this rapid progress has left its social and economic mark on the legal system of countries, and indeed on all aspects of life, to the point that some personal aspects of human life, which no one realized would be approached by this change, have invaded and affected them both negatively and positively, and this confirms to us the statement. The famous “The only thing constant in this life is constant change.”