The researcher deals with the problem of amending the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 and the obstacles related to the political reality related to the constitutional text، the most important of which is the method of partisan quotas.
The ruling parties divided power between them and were keen to circulate it even though the constitution did not address this. The obstacles to amending the 2005 constitution were linked to the beginnings of its founding and its dependence on the components and sects in its writing committee without the inclusion of elements of expertise and specialization.
We discussed the meaning of partisan quotas and its consistency with consensual democracy and its constitutionality، detailing the obstacles to the amendment of component representation in the amendments committee with the lapse of constitutional terms. We have developed suitable solutions to address the problem of modification. We hope that it will find its way to implementation.
keywords: constitutional amendments، partisan quotas، constitution writing committee،
committee of fifty، constitutional jurisprudence
The ruling parties divided power between them and were keen to circulate it even though the constitution did not address this. The obstacles to amending the 2005 constitution were linked to the beginnings of its founding and its dependence on the components and sects in its writing committee without the inclusion of elements of expertise and specialization.
We discussed the meaning of partisan quotas and its consistency with consensual democracy and its constitutionality، detailing the obstacles to the amendment of component representation in the amendments committee with the lapse of constitutional terms. We have developed suitable solutions to address the problem of modification. We hope that it will find its way to implementation.
keywords: constitutional amendments، partisan quotas، constitution writing committee،
committee of fifty، constitutional jurisprudence
constitutional amendments، partisan quotas، constitution writing committee، committee of fifty، constitutional jurisprudence
يتطرق الباحث إلى مشكلة تعديل دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 2005 والعقبات المتعلقة بالواقع السياسي المرتبط بالنص الدستوري وأهمها اسلوب المحاصصة الحزبية، فقد قسمت الأحزاب الحاكمة السلطة بينها وحرصت على تداولها رغم أن الدستور لم يتطرق إلى ذلك، لقد ارتبطت عقبات تعديل دستور 2005 بدايات تأسيسه واعتماده على المكونات والطوائف في لجنة كتابته دون زج عناصر الخبرة والتخصص. لذا بحثنا معنى المحاصصة الحزبية وانسجامها مع الديمقراطية التوافقية ودستوريتها مع تفصيل عقبات التعديل من التمثيل المكوناتي في لجنة التعديلات مع فوات المدد الدستورية. وقد وضعنا حلول مناسبة لمعالجة مشكلة التعديل نأمل أن تأخذ طريقها إلى التطبيق
التعديلات الدستورية، المحاصصة الحزبية، لجنة كتابة الدستور، لجنة الخمسين، الفقه الدستوري