Administrative and financial corruption is one of the most important obstacles to progress and
development through the ages, and the methods of its spread are directly proportional to the civilized
progress of nations . It brings with it all problems, whether economic, political, social, etc. Through it,
the largest societies collapse and overthrow the most powerful nations and this is what happened in
our country Iraq, after the US invasion in 2003. Note that most of the laws, legislation and ethics
forbade corruption and considered it a humiliating act, but the situation in Iraq has become different,
as the corrupt policy was bequeathed by the Americans to their successors and this is what caused the
spread of corruption more and the creation of a weak internal administrative apparatus, as well as the
lack of effective oversight to deter this phenomenon
development through the ages, and the methods of its spread are directly proportional to the civilized
progress of nations . It brings with it all problems, whether economic, political, social, etc. Through it,
the largest societies collapse and overthrow the most powerful nations and this is what happened in
our country Iraq, after the US invasion in 2003. Note that most of the laws, legislation and ethics
forbade corruption and considered it a humiliating act, but the situation in Iraq has become different,
as the corrupt policy was bequeathed by the Americans to their successors and this is what caused the
spread of corruption more and the creation of a weak internal administrative apparatus, as well as the
lack of effective oversight to deter this phenomenon
Financial corruption
Public office
Public sector
يعد الفَساد الإِداري والمـــالـي من أهم عوائق التقدم والتنمية عبر العصور، وأساليب تفشيه تتناسب طردياً مع التقدم الحضاري للأمم، فهو أكبر معرقلات وتخلف الدول، فيجلب معه جميع المشاكل سواء الاقتصادية منها أو السياسية والاِجتماعية ...الخ، فمن خلاله تنهار أكبر المجتمعات وتطيح أقوى الدول؛ لأنّه المدخل الذي يدخل به لانهيار أي دولة قوية، وهذا ما حدث في بلدنا العراق من بعد الغزو الأمريكي عام 2003، علماً أنّ أغلب الشرائع والتشريعات والاخلاقيات نهت عن الفساد واعتبرته تصرف مهين، إلاّ أنّ الوضع في العراق بات مختلفاً حيث أنّ السياسة الفاسدة أورثها الامريكان لما بعدهم، وهذا ما سبب في استشراء الفساد أكثر وخلق جهاز إداري ضعيف من الداخل، فضلاً عن عدم وجود الرقابة الفاعلة؛ لردع هذه الظاهرة
الفساد الإِداري الفساد المـــالـي القطاع العام الوظيفة العامة