The peptic ulcer was developed and appeared recently as a contagious
disease, distributed all over the world and the most common cause of
this disease is H.pylori. Laboratory diagnosis was used to detect this
bacterium by several methods which include invasive and non-invasive
methods. ELISA technique was used to identify IgG, IgM, and IgA
antibodies against H.pylori. All participants underwent endoscopic
procedures at the Duhok City/Azadi Hospital/Endoscopy Center, and a
highly skilled endoscopist carried out the procedures, As well questionnaire form has been filled out through the interview with the participants
to enroll the socio-demographic factors which include occupation, history
of treatment, and endoscopic findings. Among the 90 participants,
the serological prevalence is 72%, 7% and 30% of positive antibodies
IgG, IgM, and IgA respectively. The housewife group recorded a high
percentage of positive IgG whereas low percentages were recorded
for the military group. A significant immune reaction of IgG in the
student group has been noted. In addition to the housewife group to the
positive IgM. The effect of those who had treatment previously has been
revealed by positive IgG. Moreover, antral gastritis had a significant
relationship with positive IgG by using ELISA. in the conclusion, the
Housewives group was more infected with this bacterium, and a significant association was found between antral gastritis and seropositive IgG.
disease, distributed all over the world and the most common cause of
this disease is H.pylori. Laboratory diagnosis was used to detect this
bacterium by several methods which include invasive and non-invasive
methods. ELISA technique was used to identify IgG, IgM, and IgA
antibodies against H.pylori. All participants underwent endoscopic
procedures at the Duhok City/Azadi Hospital/Endoscopy Center, and a
highly skilled endoscopist carried out the procedures, As well questionnaire form has been filled out through the interview with the participants
to enroll the socio-demographic factors which include occupation, history
of treatment, and endoscopic findings. Among the 90 participants,
the serological prevalence is 72%, 7% and 30% of positive antibodies
IgG, IgM, and IgA respectively. The housewife group recorded a high
percentage of positive IgG whereas low percentages were recorded
for the military group. A significant immune reaction of IgG in the
student group has been noted. In addition to the housewife group to the
positive IgM. The effect of those who had treatment previously has been
revealed by positive IgG. Moreover, antral gastritis had a significant
relationship with positive IgG by using ELISA. in the conclusion, the
Housewives group was more infected with this bacterium, and a significant association was found between antral gastritis and seropositive IgG.
Helicobacter pylori; Endoscopy; Serology.
ظهرت القرحة الهضمیة مؤخرًا کمرض معدی منتشر فی جمیع أنحاء العالم والسبب الأکثر شیوعًا لهذا المرض هو جرثومة المعدة. تم استخدام التشخیص المختبری للکشف عن هذه البکتیریا بعدة طرق تشمل الطرق الغازیة وغیر الغازیة. تم استخدام تقنیة ELISA لتحدید الأجسام المضادة IgG و IgM و IgA ضد H. Pylori. خضع جمیع المشارکین لإجراءات التنظیر الداخلی فی مدینة دهوک / مستشفى آزادی / مرکز التنظیر ، وقام أخصائی تنظیر ماهر للغایة بتنفیذ الإجراءات ، کما تم ملء استمارة الاستبیان من خلال المقابلة مع المشارکین لتسجیل العوامل الاجتماعیة والدیموغرافیة التی تشمل المهنة وتاریخ العلاج ونتائج التنظیر الداخلی. من بین 90 مشارکًا ، کان الانتشار المصلی 72 ٪ و 7 ٪ و 30 ٪ من الأجسام المضادة الإیجابیة IgG و IgM و IgA على التوالی. سجلت مجموعة ربات البیوت نسبة عالیة من IgG الموجب بینما سجلت نسب منخفضة للمجموعة العسکریة. لوحظ تفاعل مناعی کبیر لـ IgG فی مجموعة الطلاب. بالإضافة إلى مجموعة ربات البیوت الموجبة IgM. تم الکشف عن تأثیر أولئک الذین عولجوا سابقًا بواسطة IgG الإیجابی. علاوة على ذلک ، کان لالتهاب المعدة الغاری علاقة معنویة مع IgG الإیجابی باستخدام ELISA. فی الختام ، کانت مجموعة ربات البیوت أکثر إصابة بهذه البکتیریا ، ووجد ارتباط معنوی بین التهاب المعدة الغار و IgG المصل.
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