The present study investigated and identified genetic diversity between
native White chicken lines and two commercial Broiler (Rose) and Layer
(Isa Brown) chicken breeds using RAPD markers and a sequencing
technique. All primers applied produced 151 scorable bands with
percentage polymorphic loci of 54.93% within chicken populations, as
per the results of the RAPD marker. The maximum amplified fragment
by primer OPC-11 was 22 and the fewest by primer OPAA-03 was 7.
For all loci analyzed, the effective number of alleles (ne), means the
observed number of alleles (na), Shannon’s information index (I), and
gene diversity (h) was 1.4394, 1.5493, 0.3496, and 0.2441, respectively.
The presence of a high number of polymorphisms and targeted (71) loci
across all chicken populations indicates that RAPD-PCR techniques
provide sufficient genetic distance and higher genetic variation among
chicken populations. The highest identity of the blasted sequences of the
18srRNA gene of local white chicken is 90.41% and 84.23%. Likewise, a
total of 46 and 27 nucleotides are altered with 27 and 10 gaps in both
sequences for the first and second regions, respectively. According to
both phylogenetic trees, the local white chicken had a stronger sense of
individuality and was slightly closer to the commercial broiler breeds
than the layer chicken breeds. As a result, it suggests that enhancing
the local chicken line requires a broiler breeding program, as well as
cross-breeding with other native chicken lines to obtain hereditarily
significant new strains.
native White chicken lines and two commercial Broiler (Rose) and Layer
(Isa Brown) chicken breeds using RAPD markers and a sequencing
technique. All primers applied produced 151 scorable bands with
percentage polymorphic loci of 54.93% within chicken populations, as
per the results of the RAPD marker. The maximum amplified fragment
by primer OPC-11 was 22 and the fewest by primer OPAA-03 was 7.
For all loci analyzed, the effective number of alleles (ne), means the
observed number of alleles (na), Shannon’s information index (I), and
gene diversity (h) was 1.4394, 1.5493, 0.3496, and 0.2441, respectively.
The presence of a high number of polymorphisms and targeted (71) loci
across all chicken populations indicates that RAPD-PCR techniques
provide sufficient genetic distance and higher genetic variation among
chicken populations. The highest identity of the blasted sequences of the
18srRNA gene of local white chicken is 90.41% and 84.23%. Likewise, a
total of 46 and 27 nucleotides are altered with 27 and 10 gaps in both
sequences for the first and second regions, respectively. According to
both phylogenetic trees, the local white chicken had a stronger sense of
individuality and was slightly closer to the commercial broiler breeds
than the layer chicken breeds. As a result, it suggests that enhancing
the local chicken line requires a broiler breeding program, as well as
cross-breeding with other native chicken lines to obtain hereditarily
significant new strains.
Dendrogram; Biodiversity; Molecular Markers; Native chickens; MT889761 and MT889762.
الدراسة الحالیة تم فحصها وتحدید التنوع الجینی بین سلالات الدجاج الأبیض المحلی مع سلالتین تجاریتین من الدجاج البیاض (Isa Brown) والفروج اللحم (Rose) باستخدام المؤشر RAPD وتقنیة التسلسل. أنتجت جمیع البادئات المطبقة 151 حزما قابلاً للتسجیل مع النسبة المئویة للحزم المتباینة 54.93٪ داخل مجامیع الدجاج، وفقا لنتائج المؤشر RAPD. کان وجدأ أعلى عدد من الحزم المتباینة فی البادئ OPC-11 هو 22 وکان أقل عدد بواسطة البادئ OPAA-03 هو 7. بالنسبة لجمیع المواقع التی تم تحلیلها، العدد المؤثرة للألیلات (ne)، متوسط عدد الألیلات المشاهدة (na)، الدلیل معلومات شانون (I) والتنوع الجینی (h) کان 1.4394 و 1.5493 و 0.3496 و 0.2441 على التوالی. اشار عدد کبیر من التباین والمواقع المستهدفة (71) فی جمیع مجامیع الدجاج إلى أن تقنیات RAPD-PCR توفر مسافة وراثیة کافیة وتنوع جینی أعلى بین مجموعات الدجاج. أعلى مطابقة للتسلسلblasted لجین 18s rRNA للدجاج الأبیض المحلی هو 90.41٪ و 84.23٪. وبالمثل، تم تغییر ما مجموعه 46 و 27 نیوکلیوتید مع 27 و 10 فجوات فی کلا التسلسل للمنطقتین الأولى والثانیة، على التوالی. وفقا لشجرة القرایة، کان دجاج الأبیض المحلی أقوى معنویا بالفردیة وکان أقرب قلیلاً إلى سلالات الدجاج اللاحم التجاریة من سلالات الدجاج البیاض. ونتیجة لذلک، یقترح أن یتم تحسین خط الدجاج المحلی من خلال برنامج تربیة الدجاج اللاحم، بالإضافة إلى تهجینه مع سلالات أخرى من الدجاج المحلی للحصول على سلالات جدیدة وراثیة مهمة.
MT889761 و MT889762
التباین الوراثی
دجاج محلى
مؤشرات الجزیئیة