The title of the research is the Armenian issue in the Ottoman Empire (1878-1923). The reason for choosing the time period of study is due to the fact that the start year represents a turning point in the Armenian issue from its local Ottoman character to its international nature according to Article "61" of the Berlin Treaty, the end of the Armenian issue was officially registered in the Treaty of Lausanne.
The research was divided into three main topics, the first under the title Armenians under the Ottoman Empire until 1909, It was divided into three topics, the first addressed the Armenians under the Ottoman Empire and international interventions until 1890 and Western attempts to exploit them to achieve its goals and interests, while the second dealt with the worsening conditions between the Armenians and the Ottoman Empire For the period (1890-1909) the third focused on disobeying Adana in 1909 and its effect on pitting European public opinion against the Ottoman Empire.
The second topic dealt with the position of the Armenians in the First World War and its impact on the relationship with the Ottoman Empire (1914-1917) and divided in turn into three topics, the first discussed the position of the Armenians in the First World War and their assistance to the Russian state, while the second discussed the facts and events that led to the issuance of the housing decision In 1915, the third focused on implementing the market and housing decision, and the latter dealt with mutual assaults between Armenians and Turks for the period (1916-1917).
The third topic included the Armenian issue during the era of the new Turkish government and international treaties (1918-1923), and it was divided into three topics, the first under the title of the Turkish authorities' recognition of the Armenian genocide and the military trials that took place in its wake, while the second topic discussed attempts to form a state for the Armenians during the Treaty of Sever in 1920, The last topic covered the discussion of the Armenian issue in the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923.
The research was divided into three main topics, the first under the title Armenians under the Ottoman Empire until 1909, It was divided into three topics, the first addressed the Armenians under the Ottoman Empire and international interventions until 1890 and Western attempts to exploit them to achieve its goals and interests, while the second dealt with the worsening conditions between the Armenians and the Ottoman Empire For the period (1890-1909) the third focused on disobeying Adana in 1909 and its effect on pitting European public opinion against the Ottoman Empire.
The second topic dealt with the position of the Armenians in the First World War and its impact on the relationship with the Ottoman Empire (1914-1917) and divided in turn into three topics, the first discussed the position of the Armenians in the First World War and their assistance to the Russian state, while the second discussed the facts and events that led to the issuance of the housing decision In 1915, the third focused on implementing the market and housing decision, and the latter dealt with mutual assaults between Armenians and Turks for the period (1916-1917).
The third topic included the Armenian issue during the era of the new Turkish government and international treaties (1918-1923), and it was divided into three topics, the first under the title of the Turkish authorities' recognition of the Armenian genocide and the military trials that took place in its wake, while the second topic discussed attempts to form a state for the Armenians during the Treaty of Sever in 1920, The last topic covered the discussion of the Armenian issue in the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923.
Berlin Treaty
Ottoman Empire
Treaty of Sever.
ساهمت عوامل عدة في قيام القضية الارمنية كالدور الذي قامت به الكنائس الارمنية ومخرجات مؤتمر برلين والحركات التبشيرية وما جرى من احداث في البوسنة والهرسك وبلغاريا واليونان، وهذه الورقة البحثية المعنونة القضية الارمنية في الدولة العثمانية (1878- 1923) محاولة لدراسة الموضوع من جوانبه المختلفة ، ويرجع سبب اختيار المدة الزمنية للدراسة ، ذلك لأن سنة البدء تمثل نقطة تحول في القضية الأرمنية من سمتها المحلية العثمانية إلي طبيعتها الدولية بموجب المادة "61" من معاهدة برلين ، أما سنة 1923 فقد سجلت نهاية القضية الأرمنية رسميا في معاهدة لوزان.
قسم البحث الى ثلاثة مباحث رئيسية ،الاول تحت عنوان الارمن في ظل الدولة العثمانية حتى عام 1909 ، وتناول المبحث الثاني موقف الارمن في الحرب العالمية الاولى واثرة على العلاقة مع الدولة العثمانية (1914-1917) فيما تضمن المبحث الثالث القضية الارمنية في عهد الحكومة التركية الجديدة والمعاهدات الدولية (1918-1923).
قسم البحث الى ثلاثة مباحث رئيسية ،الاول تحت عنوان الارمن في ظل الدولة العثمانية حتى عام 1909 ، وتناول المبحث الثاني موقف الارمن في الحرب العالمية الاولى واثرة على العلاقة مع الدولة العثمانية (1914-1917) فيما تضمن المبحث الثالث القضية الارمنية في عهد الحكومة التركية الجديدة والمعاهدات الدولية (1918-1923).
الارمن ، الدولة العثمانية ، معاهدة برلين ، تركيا، معاهدة سيفر