Background: Breast cancer is occupying a high rank among malignant diseases in Basrah and some evidence suggests that the risk is getting increased with time. Objectives: This article is designed to provide a profile on the geographical distribution of incident breast cancer in various parts of Basrah governorate. Methods: All newly diagnosed cases registered with Basrah Cancer Registry Office during a four- year period (2009-2012) were used for the purpose of the study. Results: The average annual crude incidence rate of breast cancer was 24.49 per 100000 females and agestandardized incidence rate was 34.86 per 100000 females. Great variation in the incidence rate was noticed across different districts with the highest rate was in Basrah city 40.22 per 100000 females and the lowest was in Northern districts of Mdaina (11.04 per 100000 females) and Qurna (12.56 per 100000 females). The incidence rates in other districts were in between the two extremes. Conclusions: The risk of breast cancer is relatively high in Basrah with great variation in different districts. The variation could reflect true risk difference, difficult accessibility to oncology services in Basrah or incomplete registration of cases.
Keywords: Breast cancer, Basrah, Epidemiology, Geographical distribution
Keywords: Breast cancer, Basrah, Epidemiology, Geographical distribution