Soil salinity negatively affects crop production and leads to
loss of agricultural lands worldwide. In Iraq, poor agricultural
practices, such as inadequate drainage facilities and low water
quality, are known to be caused soil salinization. Onion
(Allium cepa L.) is an economic crop that is consumed heavily
as green or dry bulb onion. The cultivated area of green onion
was statistically decreased in the Kurdistan region, Iraq, lately.
Therefore, this study was conducted in the Directorate of
Agriculture, Ankawa, Erbil, to examine whether salicylic acid
(SA) mitigate the effect of salt stress and improve the growth
and development of green onions. Two different concentrations
of NaCl (20 and 40 mM) were injected around the base of each
plant and after 24h, SA (0.5 and 1mM) was sprayed to the
vegetative parts of each plant, evenly. The results showed that
the short-term application of SA was reduced the impact of
NaCl. The number of green leaves, leaf area, plant height, root
growth, bulb diameter, plant weight and total yield (t. ha-1) was
improved by the application of SA. It has been suggested the
application of a commercial or SA analogue to the agricultural
saline land may alleviate the salt stress and improve the
loss of agricultural lands worldwide. In Iraq, poor agricultural
practices, such as inadequate drainage facilities and low water
quality, are known to be caused soil salinization. Onion
(Allium cepa L.) is an economic crop that is consumed heavily
as green or dry bulb onion. The cultivated area of green onion
was statistically decreased in the Kurdistan region, Iraq, lately.
Therefore, this study was conducted in the Directorate of
Agriculture, Ankawa, Erbil, to examine whether salicylic acid
(SA) mitigate the effect of salt stress and improve the growth
and development of green onions. Two different concentrations
of NaCl (20 and 40 mM) were injected around the base of each
plant and after 24h, SA (0.5 and 1mM) was sprayed to the
vegetative parts of each plant, evenly. The results showed that
the short-term application of SA was reduced the impact of
NaCl. The number of green leaves, leaf area, plant height, root
growth, bulb diameter, plant weight and total yield (t. ha-1) was
improved by the application of SA. It has been suggested the
application of a commercial or SA analogue to the agricultural
saline land may alleviate the salt stress and improve the
Salicylic acid green onion.
Salt stress
البصل من المحاصيل الاقتصادية التي تستهلك بكثرة کبصل اخضر وبصل الجاف .في العراق ضعف العمليات الزراعية مثل قلة البزل ورداءة نوعية المياه المروية، تعتبر من اهم العوامل التي تسبب ملوحة التربة. ان ملوحة التربة تؤثر سلللبيا علا انتا المحاصلليل وتؤدي الا فقدان الأراضللي الزراعية. ان الاراضي المزروعة بالبصل الاخضر إحصائيا قلت معنويا فی اقليم کوردستان العراق .أجربت هذه الدراس لللللة في مديرية الزراعة ،عنكاوة، اربيل لتخفف تأثير الجهد الملحي علا نمو وتطور البص لللللل الاخضلر باسلتخدام حامل السلاليسلليك .تبين من النتائج ان اضلافة حامل السلالسلليك لفترة قصليرة وبترکيز 0.5 و 1 ملي مولار قلل من تأثير40 & 20 NaCl ملي مولار وازداد وتحسن عدد الاوراق الخض للراء والمس للاحة الورقية وطول النبات ونمو الجذور وقطر البص لللة والوزن الكلي لنبات البص للل والحاصلللل ال لي )طن / ه تار(. ان من أهم المقترحات المبنية علا هذه النتائج، اضلللافة النول التجاري المماثل والمشابه لحامل الساليسليك للأراضي الزراعية التي تعاني من الملوحة الذي ربما يقلل الملوحة ويحسن المحصول .
الشد الملحي، حامل الساليسليك، محصول البصل الاخضر