Background: Floral abnormality is one of the strange and exceptional phenomena, which gives popularity and attractiveness to ornamental flowers, although its causes are still a source of disagreement among many scientists.This study was carried out with the aim of documenting floral abnormality in Bauhinia variegata trees for the first time worldwide.
Materials and Methods: Bauhinia variegata trees were monitored and monitored for seasons 2021-2022 in three locations in the city of Al-Bayda - eastern Libya, and flower abnormalities were documented photographically.
Results: The results showed the registration of a new pattern of Bauhinia variegata after about 32 years of cultivation in of Al-Bayda city, libya with a clear increase in the number of petals (6-7-8 petals) superimposed (double) or contiguous, by up to 20% for each branch, with two petals often mottled, this mottled rarely disappears, the results also showed an increase in the number of stamens, and the emergence of some of them bilaterally incorporate with one of them turning into a petal.
Conclusion: The cause of this abnormality is believed to be the drop in temperature during the two study seasons.
Materials and Methods: Bauhinia variegata trees were monitored and monitored for seasons 2021-2022 in three locations in the city of Al-Bayda - eastern Libya, and flower abnormalities were documented photographically.
Results: The results showed the registration of a new pattern of Bauhinia variegata after about 32 years of cultivation in of Al-Bayda city, libya with a clear increase in the number of petals (6-7-8 petals) superimposed (double) or contiguous, by up to 20% for each branch, with two petals often mottled, this mottled rarely disappears, the results also showed an increase in the number of stamens, and the emergence of some of them bilaterally incorporate with one of them turning into a petal.
Conclusion: The cause of this abnormality is believed to be the drop in temperature during the two study seasons.
Bauhinia variegata
Case study.
Floral abnormality
مقدمة: يعد الشذوذ الزهري من الظواهر الغريبة نادرة الحدوث, والتي تمنح شعبية وجاذبية لأزهار الزينة, بالرغم من أن أسبابه لازالت مصدراً لاختلاف الكثير من العلماء, لذا جاءت هذه الدراسة بهدف توثيق الشذوذ الزهري في أشجار خف الجمل Bauhinia variegate. طرق العمل: تم متابعة ومراقبة أشجار خف الجمل Bauhinia variegata لموسمي 2021-2022م في ثلاث مواقع بمدينة البيضاء- شرق ليبيا,وأرفقت بصور توضيحية في مواقع الدراسة. الاستنتاجات: بينت النتائج تسجيل نمط جديد لأزهار خف الجمل بعد حوالي 32عام من زراعتها في مدينة البيضاء-ليبيا بزيادة واضحة في عدد البتلات بلغت (6-7-8 بتلة) بشكل متراكب (مزدوج) أو متجاور بنسبة تصل إلى 20% لكل فرع, مع ظهور بتلتان مبرقشتان غالباً, ونادراً ما يختفي هذا التبرقش, كما أظهرت النتائج أيضا زيادة في عدد الأسدية, وظهور بعضها بشكل ثنائي ملتحم مع تحول أحدها إلى بتلة, ويعتقد بأن الانخفاض الحاصل في درجات الحرارة خلال موسمي الدراسة هو السبب الكامن وراء ظهور هذا الشذوذ.
الزهرة المزدوجة
الشذوذ الزهري
خف الجمل
دراسة حالة.