Is a cognitive sense of motor capacity of mental task and is responsible for all acts and behaviors kinetic interpretation and how to implement them by identifying everything that surrounds the individual and his environment, as we note the importance of cognitive sense -motor show clearly in all sports, especially volleyball game, and through the sense of the player the movement of parts of his body and his ability to control change the status of his body as required to be dynamic when the performance of my skills beating overwhelming and bulwark, as it requires the performance of each skill a certain power to the motor performance is different from the rest of other skills, depending on the contractions of the muscle and you need the speed and balance in the movement, and increased attention to teachers and trainers in the study of the mental to the learner, especially (NLP), which is a process associated with on the sensory of the learner (hearing -sight -touch), as it is a way had to be educated on the change itself and reform the thinking and
the development of skill and how its performance as it is based on the experience, testing and lead to tangible results and tangible in the performance skills of the learner.Thus emerges the problem of searching through non-appearance of significant progress in the level of learners, which is attributed due to the weak capacity of cognitive sense -motor and associated apparatus sensory learners, which include (hearing -sight -touch), causing fluctuations in the level of learning of learners, so it was highlighted this problem by developing a sense of awareness of exercise -for people with motor neuro-linguistic programming to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark.The aim of the research to: -1 -exercises designed to realize the sense of -motor to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark volleyball.2 -Identifying the impact of exercise on cognitive sense -for people with motor neuro-linguistic programming to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark volleyball.To investigate the objectives of the research was assumed as follows: -1 -There are statistically significant differences between before and after the tests and for tests with a posteriori the NLP to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark volleyball.2 -There are statistically significant differences in tests between the after-effect of exercise a sense of perception -motor exercises and the curriculum used for people with neuro-linguistic programming to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark volleyball.As for theoretical studies have been addressed to the following: -Sense of perception -motor concept and how it happened, as well as the importance of cognitive sense -in the field of motor sports, also touched on several of Detectives on neuro-linguistic programming, and has been associated with similar studies the subject of research.The following steps were followed in the procedures of Search:-The use of the experimental method with a global design duo (2 × 3)-Recent research on a sample of students from the second study in the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Baghdad
University for the academic year (2010 -2011) and of their number (30 students).After analyzing the data using appropriate statistical methods have been gaining access to many of the conclusions was the most important:1 -Aladarakih sense that exercise -and exercise kinetics in the approved curriculum followed in the college exercises effective in raising the skill level of performance skills under the control and experimental groups and in different proportions.2 -exercises that sense perception -motor Athbtaatt importance and impact for those with active neuro-linguistic programming to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark and better than exercise in the approved curriculum followed in the college.As a complement to the requirements of research has been progress set of proposals was the most important of the following: -1 -emphasis on the use of cognitive exercises sense -because of their kinetic effect of an active role in learning the skills in question.2 -The need of awareness and the definition of teachers in colleges of physical education systems, representative of the three neuro-linguistic programming any system (audio -visual -tactile) because of their role and importance in achieving better results in learning skills for sports
the development of skill and how its performance as it is based on the experience, testing and lead to tangible results and tangible in the performance skills of the learner.Thus emerges the problem of searching through non-appearance of significant progress in the level of learners, which is attributed due to the weak capacity of cognitive sense -motor and associated apparatus sensory learners, which include (hearing -sight -touch), causing fluctuations in the level of learning of learners, so it was highlighted this problem by developing a sense of awareness of exercise -for people with motor neuro-linguistic programming to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark.The aim of the research to: -1 -exercises designed to realize the sense of -motor to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark volleyball.2 -Identifying the impact of exercise on cognitive sense -for people with motor neuro-linguistic programming to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark volleyball.To investigate the objectives of the research was assumed as follows: -1 -There are statistically significant differences between before and after the tests and for tests with a posteriori the NLP to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark volleyball.2 -There are statistically significant differences in tests between the after-effect of exercise a sense of perception -motor exercises and the curriculum used for people with neuro-linguistic programming to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark volleyball.As for theoretical studies have been addressed to the following: -Sense of perception -motor concept and how it happened, as well as the importance of cognitive sense -in the field of motor sports, also touched on several of Detectives on neuro-linguistic programming, and has been associated with similar studies the subject of research.The following steps were followed in the procedures of Search:-The use of the experimental method with a global design duo (2 × 3)-Recent research on a sample of students from the second study in the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Baghdad
University for the academic year (2010 -2011) and of their number (30 students).After analyzing the data using appropriate statistical methods have been gaining access to many of the conclusions was the most important:1 -Aladarakih sense that exercise -and exercise kinetics in the approved curriculum followed in the college exercises effective in raising the skill level of performance skills under the control and experimental groups and in different proportions.2 -exercises that sense perception -motor Athbtaatt importance and impact for those with active neuro-linguistic programming to learn my skills and beating overwhelming bulwark and better than exercise in the approved curriculum followed in the college.As a complement to the requirements of research has been progress set of proposals was the most important of the following: -1 -emphasis on the use of cognitive exercises sense -because of their kinetic effect of an active role in learning the skills in question.2 -The need of awareness and the definition of teachers in colleges of physical education systems, representative of the three neuro-linguistic programming any system (audio -visual -tactile) because of their role and importance in achieving better results in learning skills for sports
يعد الادراك الحس الحركي من القدرات العقلية المهمة والمسؤول عن كل الافعال والسلوكيات الحركية وتفسيرها وكيفية تنفيذها من خلال التعرف على كل ما يحيط بالفرد وبيئته ، اذ نلاحظ اهمية الادراك الحس – حركي تظهر بصورة واضحة في كافة الالعاب الرياضية ولاسيما لعبة الكرة الطائرة ، ومن خلال احساس اللاعب لحركة اجزاء جسمه ومدى قدرته في السيطرة على تغير وضع جسمه وفقا لما يتطلبه الواجب الحركي عند اداء مهارتي الضرب الساحق وحائط الصد ، اذ يتطلب اداء كل مهارة قوة معينة للأداء الحركي تختلف عن باقي المهارات الاخرى وذلك تبعا للانقباضات العضلية وما تحتاج اليه من سرعة وتوازن في الحركة ، كما زاد اهتمام المدرسين والمدربين في دراسة الجوانب العقلية للمتعلم ولاسيما ( البرمجة اللغوية العصبية ) كونها عملية مرتبطة بالأجهزة الحسية للمتعلم ( السمع – البصر – اللمس ) ، اذ تعد وسيلة تعين المتعلم على تغير نفسه واصلاح تفكيره وتنمية مهارته وكيفية ادائها اذ انها تستند على التجربة والاختبار وتقود الى نتائج ملموسة ومحسوسة في الاداء المهاري للمتعلم .