The research included an introduction, four investigations, and a conclusion:
In the introduction, I explained the reasons that prompted me to choose the topic. As for the first topic, it defines and originates criticism, and it includes three demands: The first requirement: the definition of criticism in language and convention, the second requirement: the legitimacy of criticism, and the third requirement: the origins of modern criticism. As for the second topic: it contains the causes and methods of criticism, and it included three demands, the first: in the direct causes of criticism of the hadith, the second: in the approach of the modernists in explaining the hadiths, and the third in the party of criticism of the hadith. As for the third topic: In the Biography of the Prophet, the causes and method of the modernizers criticize its news and has two requirements: The first: the reasons for criticizing and correcting the biography news, and the second: Approach of the modernists in the criticism of telling the biography of the Prophet. As for the fourth topic: the last one, it includes: Examples of criticism in the news of the biography and it contains four demands: The first requirement: on the marriage of the Messenger (may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him) to Maymouna bint Al-Harith while he is, and the second requirement: in the news of breaking from the hadith of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) ) In the biography of Ibn Hisham, and the third requirement: In the killing of Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib, the master of the martyrs and the uncle of the Messenger of Allah (may God bless him and grant him peace), and the fourth requirement: In the lament of Saad bin Muadh (may Allah be pleased with him).
In the introduction, I explained the reasons that prompted me to choose the topic. As for the first topic, it defines and originates criticism, and it includes three demands: The first requirement: the definition of criticism in language and convention, the second requirement: the legitimacy of criticism, and the third requirement: the origins of modern criticism. As for the second topic: it contains the causes and methods of criticism, and it included three demands, the first: in the direct causes of criticism of the hadith, the second: in the approach of the modernists in explaining the hadiths, and the third in the party of criticism of the hadith. As for the third topic: In the Biography of the Prophet, the causes and method of the modernizers criticize its news and has two requirements: The first: the reasons for criticizing and correcting the biography news, and the second: Approach of the modernists in the criticism of telling the biography of the Prophet. As for the fourth topic: the last one, it includes: Examples of criticism in the news of the biography and it contains four demands: The first requirement: on the marriage of the Messenger (may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him) to Maymouna bint Al-Harith while he is, and the second requirement: in the news of breaking from the hadith of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) ) In the biography of Ibn Hisham, and the third requirement: In the killing of Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib, the master of the martyrs and the uncle of the Messenger of Allah (may God bless him and grant him peace), and the fourth requirement: In the lament of Saad bin Muadh (may Allah be pleased with him).
and a conclusion: In the introduction
and it included three demands
and it includes three demands: The first requirement: the definition of criticism in language and convention
and the fourth requirement: In the lament of Saad bin Muadh (may Allah be pleased with him).
and the second requirement: in the news of breaking from the hadith of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) ) In the biography of Ibn Hisham
and the second: Approach of the modernists in the criticism of telling the biography of the Prophet. As for the fourth topic: the last one
and the third in the party of criticism of the hadith. As for the third topic: In the Biography of the Prophet
and the third requirement: In the killing of Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib
and the third requirement: the origins of modern criticism. As for the second topic: it contains the causes and methods of criticism
four investigations
I explained the reasons that prompted me to choose the topic. As for the first topic
it defines and originates criticism
it includes: Examples of criticism in the news of the biography and it contains four demands: The first requirement: on the marriage of the Messenger (may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him) to Maymouna bint Al-Harith while he is
the causes and method of the modernizers criticize its news and has two requirements: The first: the reasons for criticizing and correcting the biography news
the first: in the direct causes of criticism of the hadith
the master of the martyrs and the uncle of the Messenger of Allah (may God bless him and grant him peace)
The research included an introduction
the second requirement: the legitimacy of criticism
the second: in the approach of the modernists in explaining the hadiths
اشتمل البحث على مقدمة، وأربعة مباحث، وخاتمة : بيَّنت في المقدمة الأسباب التي دعتني إلى اختيارِ الموضوع ، أما المبحث الأول ففيه تعريف النقد وتأصيله وتضمن ثلاثة مطالب: المطلب الأول: تعريف النقد لغةً واصطلاحاً، والمطلب الثاني: مشروعية النقد، والمطلب الثالث: فيه نشأة النقد الحديثي. أما المبحث الثاني: ففيه أسباب النقد وطرقه، واشتمل على ثلاثة مطالب، الأول: في الأسباب المباشرة لنقد الحديث، الثاني: في منهج المحدثين في تعليل الأحاديث، والثالث في طرف نقد الحديث. أما المبحث الثالث: ففي السيرة النبوية وأسباب نقد أخبارها وفيه مطلبين: الأول: أسباب نقد أخبار السيرة وتصحيحها، والمطلب الثاني: منهج المحدثين في نقد أخبار السيرة النبوية. أما المبحث الرابع: وهو الأخير فتتضمن: نماذج من النقد في أخبار السيرة وفيه أربعة مطالب: المطلب الأول: في زواج الرسول ( ) من ميمونة بنت الحارث وهو مُحرِم، والمطلب الثاني: في خبر الإفك من حديث عائشة ( رضي الله عنها ) في كتاب سيرة ابن هشام، والمطلب الثالث: في مقتل حمزة بن عبد المطلب سيد الشهداء وعم رسول الله ( )، والمطلب الرابع: في رثاء سعد بن معاذ ( ).
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