Studies has been Focused on the role of the historical aspect representative of the
course of the work situation of civilization on the nature of human evolution and the
technological side on the representation of the relationship between the human and
material according to changing circumstances and their impact in shaping the state
architectural surrounding human beings over the ages and from several sides dealt
with different aspects of research and analysis of the themes which sort overview not
related to specific aspect and unified them with the need to refer to the weak emphasis on the buzz and feeds on them and this is what formed the basis to guide the search
towards the study of the general relationship and the details of both the history and
dimensions of the Property and Technology and the dimensions of the evolutionary
part in frame of architecture.This research aims to define the general principles for
understanding the nature of the role of history and technology in the establishment of
fact the difference of identity in architecture to present a basis for defining the
research problem of knowledge and then go to build a framework of knowledge
consists of putting up a knowledge architect in on the proposals of architectural
variety and sequential framework theory and then to build models of general
knowledge from the field of architecture to assess the framework for doing
application and analysis of results and to explore and clarify the theoretical
investigation of indicators specific to the role of technology in architecture and history
.and finally presents final conclusions and recommendations
course of the work situation of civilization on the nature of human evolution and the
technological side on the representation of the relationship between the human and
material according to changing circumstances and their impact in shaping the state
architectural surrounding human beings over the ages and from several sides dealt
with different aspects of research and analysis of the themes which sort overview not
related to specific aspect and unified them with the need to refer to the weak emphasis on the buzz and feeds on them and this is what formed the basis to guide the search
towards the study of the general relationship and the details of both the history and
dimensions of the Property and Technology and the dimensions of the evolutionary
part in frame of architecture.This research aims to define the general principles for
understanding the nature of the role of history and technology in the establishment of
fact the difference of identity in architecture to present a basis for defining the
research problem of knowledge and then go to build a framework of knowledge
consists of putting up a knowledge architect in on the proposals of architectural
variety and sequential framework theory and then to build models of general
knowledge from the field of architecture to assess the framework for doing
application and analysis of results and to explore and clarify the theoretical
investigation of indicators specific to the role of technology in architecture and history
.and finally presents final conclusions and recommendations
ركزت الطروحات العامة على دراسة دور الجانب التاريخي الممثل لمسار عمل الحالة الحضارية والتي تختص بطبيعة
التطور البشري والجانب التكنولوجي الممثل للعالقة بين االنسان والمادة بحسب تغير الظروف المحيطة واثرهما في
تشكيل الحالة المعمارية المحيطة باالنسان على مر االزمان تناولت جوانب مختلفة بالبحث والتحليل للموضوعين. مما
افرز رؤية عامة ال تتعلق بجانب محدد وموحد لهما مع ضرورة االشارة الى ضعف التأكيد على الجانب الترابطي
والعالئقي الخاص بهما . وهذا ما شكل األساس لتوجه البحث نحو دراسة العالقة العامة وتفاصيلها بين كل من التاريخ
وابعاده الفكرية والتكنولوجيا وابعادها التطورية ضمن اطار الحالة المعمارية.
التطور البشري والجانب التكنولوجي الممثل للعالقة بين االنسان والمادة بحسب تغير الظروف المحيطة واثرهما في
تشكيل الحالة المعمارية المحيطة باالنسان على مر االزمان تناولت جوانب مختلفة بالبحث والتحليل للموضوعين. مما
افرز رؤية عامة ال تتعلق بجانب محدد وموحد لهما مع ضرورة االشارة الى ضعف التأكيد على الجانب الترابطي
والعالئقي الخاص بهما . وهذا ما شكل األساس لتوجه البحث نحو دراسة العالقة العامة وتفاصيلها بين كل من التاريخ
وابعاده الفكرية والتكنولوجيا وابعادها التطورية ضمن اطار الحالة المعمارية.