The phytoplankton community in six stations of three restored marshes in Southern Iraq, was
studied (Um Ainaaj. Taraba, Amia, Wineas, Burkah, and Saddah) during the period from
summer 2004 to spring 2005. We recognized 85.89 and 64 species in Huwayzah. Suq
Shuyukh and East Hammar Marshes respectively. A total of 130 taxa were identified, and the
dominated were diatoms (56%), chlorophyta (23%) and cyanophta (17). The recovery index
was 65.89%, 68.99%, 46.51% in Huwayzah, Suq Shuyukh and East Hammar Marshes
studied (Um Ainaaj. Taraba, Amia, Wineas, Burkah, and Saddah) during the period from
summer 2004 to spring 2005. We recognized 85.89 and 64 species in Huwayzah. Suq
Shuyukh and East Hammar Marshes respectively. A total of 130 taxa were identified, and the
dominated were diatoms (56%), chlorophyta (23%) and cyanophta (17). The recovery index
was 65.89%, 68.99%, 46.51% in Huwayzah, Suq Shuyukh and East Hammar Marshes
درست تجمعات الهائمات النباتية في ثلاثة اهوار معادة تاهيلها جنوب العراق (الحويزة، سوق الشيوخ، شرق الحمار ) اذ حددت ستة محطات (ام النعاج الترابة العمية ال ونيس البركة والسدة)وجمعت العينات شهريا للفترة من حزيران 2004 ولغاية مايس 2005 تم تسجيل 130 نوع من الهائمات النباتية ومن ضمنها النوع spirogvyra ionia والذي سجل لاول مرة في العراق في هور الحويزة