Transient solutions will be developed for laminated
simply supported closed cylindrical shells subjected
to a uniform dynamic pressure at the outer surface
of the cylinder. These solutions are obtained by
using General Third Shell Theory (G.T.T.).
Rectangular pulse, triangular pulse, sinusoidal
pulse and (ramp-constant) load-time varying
functions are studied and the required equilibrium
equations are developed. The central deformation
and principle stresses are investigated for different
cross-ply laminates.
simply supported closed cylindrical shells subjected
to a uniform dynamic pressure at the outer surface
of the cylinder. These solutions are obtained by
using General Third Shell Theory (G.T.T.).
Rectangular pulse, triangular pulse, sinusoidal
pulse and (ramp-constant) load-time varying
functions are studied and the required equilibrium
equations are developed. The central deformation
and principle stresses are investigated for different
cross-ply laminates.
Keywords: Laminate