Due to the development of fast and extensive data communication methods, typical erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA) have recently gained much interest. The main advantage of EDFA is its ability to build a system with a broad band. However, it is evident from documented works that using EDFA results in a gain increase. Nevertheless, the expense, complexity, and subpar effectiveness of these procedures made them ineffective. In this work, the performance of an 8-channel communication system for different distances of 80, 120, and 180 km is enhanced and maximized by applying a simulation model of long distance based on EDFA to reduce the effects of dispersion correction. The effect of the EDFA on three channels was investigated along the three distances by Q Factor and BER. The proposed system achieved good results in enhancing signals due to EDFA. The results of the extraction demonstrate the system's capacity to send large data rates to 180 km with a bit error rate of less than 1×10-14. EDFA shows the best performance in gain differences. The simulation setup and implementation of the work aim to improve communication performance and propose a suitable solution to enhance the Bit Error Rate (BER).
Communication systems
Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers
انظمة الاتصالات
مضخم EDFA
مضخمات الياف مشوبة بالاريبيوم