Journal Information
Alkadhim Journal for Computer Science
Volumes and Issues
About the Journal
<span segoe=\"\" ui\",=\"\" roboto,=\"\" \"helvetica=\"\" neue\",=\"\" arial,=\"\" \"noto=\"\" sans\",=\"\" sans-serif,=\"\" \"apple=\"\" color=\"\" emoji\",=\"\" \"segoe=\"\" ui=\"\" symbol\",=\"\" emoji\";=\"\" font-size:=\"\" 15px;=\"\" background-color:=\"\" rgb(255,=\"\" 255,=\"\" 255);\"=\"\" style=\"color: rgb(33, 37, 41);\">The journal aims mainly to contribute to the maturity of scientific research and strongly encourages and supports any researcher to participate in this maturity. To achieve this goal, we welcome all academics and scientists in the sciences to publish their scientific
Journal Scope
<p segoe=\"\" ui\",=\"\" roboto,=\"\" \"helvetica=\"\" neue\",=\"\" arial,=\"\" \"noto=\"\" sans\",=\"\" sans-serif,=\"\" \"apple=\"\" color=\"\" emoji\",=\"\" \"segoe=\"\" ui=\"\" symbol\",=\"\" emoji\";=\"\" font-size:=\"\" 15px;=\"\" background-color:=\"\" rgb(255,=\"\" 255,=\"\" 255);\"=\"\" style=\"font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 15.2px; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); box-sizing: border-box; margin: 1.43rem 0px; line-height: 1.785rem; color: rgb(33, 37, 41);\">KJCS is a free journal published by Imam Al-Kadhim university College (IKU), Baghdad, Iraq. It is international open access for all researchers in the world to share and promote their ideas. KJCS includes the fo
Open Access Policy
Alkadhim Journal for Computer Science is committed to open access and all content is freely available to all immediately after publication.
<span segoe=\"\" ui\",=\"\" roboto,=\"\" \"helvetica=\"\" neue\",=\"\" arial,=\"\" \"noto=\"\" sans\",=\"\" sans-serif,=\"\" \"apple=\"\" color=\"\" emoji\",=\"\" \"segoe=\"\" ui=\"\" symbol\",=\"\" emoji\";=\"\" font-size:=\"\" 15px;=\"\" background-color:=\"\" rgb(255,=\"\" 255,=\"\" 255);\"=\"\" style=\"color: rgb(33, 3
Copyright Notice
Authors retain the copyright of their papers without restrictions.
<span segoe=\"\" ui\",=\"\" roboto,=\"\" \"helvetica=\"\" neue\",=\"\" arial,=\"\" \"noto=\"\" sans\",=\"\" sans-serif,=\"\" \"apple=\"\" color=\"\" emoji\",=\"\" \"segoe=\"\" ui=\"\" symbol\",=\"\" emoji\";=\"\" font-size:=\"\" 15px;=\"\" background-color:=\"\" rgb(255,=\"\" 255,=\"\" 255);\"=\"\" style=\"color: rgb(33, 37, 41);\">The first issue was published under the title \"Journal of Imam Al Kadhum College fo
Editorial Board Members
No editorial board members listed.
Contact Info
No contact information available for this journal.