The research aims at the importance of agriculture in securing food resources for the inhabitants of Mesopotamia during the period of the second and the first millenniums BC. So, the rulers and kings of Mesopotamia had a clear role in the provision of food to the general public during that period.
The research clarifies the role of the rulers and kings of Mesopotamia in securing food through several issues the most notably of which is : Land proclamation and investment.
The writings of rulers and kings of that period confirm their interest in land reclamation through converting lands into extensive agricultural lands that produce the agricultural crops that assist securing food for the population.
It is clear that the role of the rulers and kings of Mesopotamia in securing people’s food by securing water sources and ensure their continuity .
That is illustrated via the writings of the most of rulers and kings that confirm the importance of securing water sources for the agricultural lands to ensure food insurance of grains and agricultural crops for the common people.
So, the role of rulers and kings of Mesopotamia during the second and first millenniums BC has been clarified throughout their attention to establish grain silos that ensure people’s food at that period.
The research clarifies the role of the rulers and kings of Mesopotamia in securing food through several issues the most notably of which is : Land proclamation and investment.
The writings of rulers and kings of that period confirm their interest in land reclamation through converting lands into extensive agricultural lands that produce the agricultural crops that assist securing food for the population.
It is clear that the role of the rulers and kings of Mesopotamia in securing people’s food by securing water sources and ensure their continuity .
That is illustrated via the writings of the most of rulers and kings that confirm the importance of securing water sources for the agricultural lands to ensure food insurance of grains and agricultural crops for the common people.
So, the role of rulers and kings of Mesopotamia during the second and first millenniums BC has been clarified throughout their attention to establish grain silos that ensure people’s food at that period.
يهدف البحث إلى بيان أهمية الزراعة في تأمين مصادر الغذاء لسكان بلاد الرافدين خلال الألف الثاني والأول قبل الميلاد, فحكام وملوك بلاد الرافدين كان لهم دور واضح في توفير الغذاء لعامة الناس آنذاك, وقد توضح هذا الدور في تأمين الغذاء من خلال محاور عدة كان ابرزها, استصلاح الأراضي وزراعتها, إذ تؤكد لنا كتابات حكام وملوك تلك الفترة اهتمامهم باستصلاح الأراضي من خلال تحويلها إلى أراضي زراعية واسعة تنتج محاصيل زراعية تدخل في تأمين الغذاء للسكان, كذلك يتوضح هذا الدور أيضا في تأمين غذاء الناس من خلال تأمين مصادر المياه وضمان استمرارها, وتبين ذلك من خلال كتابات معظم الحكام والملوك التي تؤكد على أهمية تأمين مصادر المياه في الأراضي الزراعية, وذلك لكي يضمنوا تأمين الغذاء من حبوب ومحاصيل زراعية لعامة الناس.
ويتوضح دور حكام وملوك بلاد الرافدين خلال الألف الثاني والأول قبل الميلاد باهتمامهم بإنشاء مخازن للحبوب تؤمن غذاء الناس آنذاك.
ويتوضح دور حكام وملوك بلاد الرافدين خلال الألف الثاني والأول قبل الميلاد باهتمامهم بإنشاء مخازن للحبوب تؤمن غذاء الناس آنذاك.