The seizure in general in primitive peoples cause of property
known to mankind since ancient times as he gains paramount importance to those peoples, especially in wars and when it Invasions took over the defeated enemy funds, but in our time Today, by contrast is completely different where approved legislation generally the right of management to seize funds (Property ) on a temporary basis and that the presence of General exceptional circumstances justify the seizure wars, floods, epidemics, in exchange for fair compensation deserves landlord.
known to mankind since ancient times as he gains paramount importance to those peoples, especially in wars and when it Invasions took over the defeated enemy funds, but in our time Today, by contrast is completely different where approved legislation generally the right of management to seize funds (Property ) on a temporary basis and that the presence of General exceptional circumstances justify the seizure wars, floods, epidemics, in exchange for fair compensation deserves landlord.
The legal scope ،authority of the administrat
يعد الاستيلاء بشكل عام في الشعوب البدائية سبباً من أسباب التملك عرفته البشرية منذ القدم كونه يظفر بأهمية بالغة لتلك الشعوب وخصوصاً في الحروب والغزاوت عند استيلائها على أموال العدو المهزوم، أما في عصرنا اليوم فالأمر مختلف تماماً حيث أجازت التشريعات عموماً الحق للإدارة بالاستيلاء على الأموال (العقار) بشكل مؤقت وذلك لوجود ظروف استثنائية عامة تبرر الاستيلاء كالحروب والفيضانات والأوبئة، مقابل تعويض عادل يستحقه مالك العقار.
النطاق القانوني ،لسلطة الإدارة ، الاستيلاء