This research monitors constituents of renaissance and its motives in the Arabic Grammar in view of the need and urgency of reasons in line with origins of science, its goals, and conditions of its emergence. For this purpose, the research divides studies on this approach into two sections: On one hand, a section went to extremes in the perception of the meaning of renaissance to the extent of replacement and ablation. On the other hand, a section that opposes this perception, sees science in retreating and closing in on what was without permitting the necessity of addition and enrichment of knowledge. Then the research decides that the right is a middle way between the two sections, and this is depicted in a proposed approach combining preserving heritage and its purposes, adding to it, moving stagnant, and renaissance of what was learned from, so that later generations would benefit as previous generations benefited from it.
The research also draws attention to the necessity of observing goals of science, their objectives that arose to care for and achieve them, and that any addition that does not stem from this spring and does not belong to that niche is nothing but a rooting of the problem and widening of the gap. The research also emphasizes the need to quench the thirst of minds by continuing research into the ills and motives of the origins and their harmony, arrangement and what is based on the other... not to discuss how to replace it with something else.
The research also draws attention to the necessity of observing goals of science, their objectives that arose to care for and achieve them, and that any addition that does not stem from this spring and does not belong to that niche is nothing but a rooting of the problem and widening of the gap. The research also emphasizes the need to quench the thirst of minds by continuing research into the ills and motives of the origins and their harmony, arrangement and what is based on the other... not to discuss how to replace it with something else.
Calumny on grammar
Simplifying grammar
Subsistence as grammar
في هذا البحث رصد لمقومات التجديد ، وبواعثه في نحو العربية في ضوء الحاجة وإلحاح الدواعي بما يتوافق وأصول العلم، وغاياته، وأحوال نشأته، وفي سبيل ذلك قسّم البحث الدراسات التي تجانب هذا المنهج إلى قسمين، قسم تطرف في تصور معنى التجديد حتى غدا عنده الإحلال والاجتثاث، وقسم مناهض لهذا التصور، يرى العلم في الانكفاء والانغلاق على ما كان دون السماح بما يجب من ضرورة الإضافة وإثراء المعرفة، ثم ارتأى البحث أن الحق واسطة بينهما، وصور ذلك في منهج مقترح يجمع بين المحافظة على الموروث ومقاصده، وبين الإضافة إليه، وتحريك الراكد، وبعث ما درس منه، لتفيد منه الأجيال اللاحقة كما أفاد منه من سبق . كما نبه البحث إلى ضرورة مراعاة غايات العلوم، وأغراضها التي نشأت لرعايتها وتحقيقها، وأن أي إضافة لا تنبع من هذا المعين، ولا تنتمي لتلك المشكاة ليست إلا تجذيرا للمشكلة وتوسيعا للصدع كما أكد البحث ضرورة إرواء عطش العقول بمتابعة البحث في علل وبواعث الأصول وانسجامها وترتيبها وترتبها على بعضها ... لا أن يكون البحث في كيفية تبديلها وإحلال ما سواها مكانها.
الكلمات المفتاحية : النحو ، التجديد ،تيسير النحو ، الافتيات على النحو ، الاقتيات من النحو ، المنهج ،