This study highlights the gods of the Arabs before Islam and its relationship fruitful for, and provide (votive offerings) to the gods in order to increase the goodness and blessings and thrive in their products and farm animals and the sustainability of their descendants. The study focused on the rituals and rites practiced for rain in years of drought and famine. As well as the correlation with religion rituals, whether with respect to an increase of birth control (for marriage) or be associated with the so-called sacred ritual sex that has to do with the agricultural cycle and fertility
This study highlights the gods of the Arabs before Islam and its relationship fruitful for, and provide (votive offerings) to the gods in order to increase the goodness and blessings and thrive in their products and farm animals and the sustainability of their descendants. The study focused on the rituals and rites practiced for rain in years of drought and famine. As well as the correlation with religion rituals, whether with respect to an increase of birth control (for marriage) or be associated with the so-called sacred ritual sex that has to do with the agricultural cycle and fertility
سلط هذه الدراسة الضوء على آلهة العرب قبل الإسلام وعلاقتها بالخِصب ،وتقديم (النذور والقرابين)لهذه الآلهة من أجل زيادة الخير والبركة والنماءفي منتوجاتهم الزراعية وحيواناتهم وديمومة نسلهم . كما عنيت بدراسة الطقوس والشعائر التي مارسوها من أجل نزول المطر في سنوات القحط والجدب . فضلا عن ارتباط الدين مع طقوس وشعائر سواء أكانت ما يتعلق بزيادة النسل (طلب الزواج) أم بارتباطها بما يُسمى بطقوس الجنس المقدس الذي له علاقة بالدورة الزراعية والخِصب .