The theoretical background of concepts related to sports marketing activities,
sports sponsorship, marketing performance, and the reality of the latter in the Iraqi sports
clubs were taken into account. It is important in the continuation and success of sports
organizations, especially sports clubs, and to find out the results and suggestions reached
by the researcher. There was a weakness in marketing performance, which was due to
poor interest in the use of marketing activities and sports sponsorships in the practices
and activities of sports clubs, and to diagnose and treat them. The researcher concluded
that the results were the most important of which was the level of Marketing performance
in the clubs studied. The results of the study are a group of suggestions; the most
important among them is the interest to improve the sports activities through supporting
and sponsoring them in marketing, because it reflects the performance of the sports club.
Hence, it is necessary to achieve competition and excellence in the sports market.
sports sponsorship, marketing performance, and the reality of the latter in the Iraqi sports
clubs were taken into account. It is important in the continuation and success of sports
organizations, especially sports clubs, and to find out the results and suggestions reached
by the researcher. There was a weakness in marketing performance, which was due to
poor interest in the use of marketing activities and sports sponsorships in the practices
and activities of sports clubs, and to diagnose and treat them. The researcher concluded
that the results were the most important of which was the level of Marketing performance
in the clubs studied. The results of the study are a group of suggestions; the most
important among them is the interest to improve the sports activities through supporting
and sponsoring them in marketing, because it reflects the performance of the sports club.
Hence, it is necessary to achieve competition and excellence in the sports market.
marketing performance.
Sports Marketing activities
تسليط الضوء على الخلفية النظرية للمفاهيم المتعلقة بالأنشطة التسويقية الرياضية والرعاية الرياضية والأداء التسويقي، وواقع الأخير في الأندية الرياضية العراقية التي يعدّ تحسينها أمراً مهماً في استمرار ونجاح المنظمات الرياضية لاسيما الأندية الرياضية، والوقوف على النتائج والمقترحات التي توصل إليها الباحث، فمن خلال معايشة الأندية الرياضية المبحوثة، تبين هناك ضعف في الأداء التسويقي والذي كان بسبب ضعف الاهتمام بتوظيف الأنشطة التسويقية والرعاية الرياضية في ممارسات وأنشطة الأندية الرياضية التي تقوم بها، والوقوف على تشخيصها ومعالجتها. وتوصل الباحث إلى نتائج كان أبرزها مستوى الأداء التسويقي في الأندية المبحوثة اتسم بالضعف الكبير، وعلى ضوء الاستنتاجات تم وضع مجموعة من المقترحات كان أبرزها: الاهتمام بتحسين الأنشطة الرياضية عبر دعمها ورعايتها تسويقياً، لأنها تعكس أداء النادي الرياضي التسويقي الذي يعد ضرورة لتحقيق المنافسة والتفوق في السوق الرياضية.
الأنشطة التسويقية الرياضية، الرعاية الرياضية، الأداء التسويقي