The research aimed to clarify the Iranian attitude towards ISIS Occupation Of AL–Mosul in 2014. The Iranian government immediately realized the extent of dangerous not only on its national security but also on its political and economic interests in the region in addition to the religious importance of Iraq especially to Iran. This led the Iranian government to take serious and effective steps in order to help the Iraqi government. The Iranian helping was represented by sending military advisers and providing various types of weapons that had a significant impact on the military operation against terrorism in Iraq. In spite of exclusion Iran from the international coalition to anti-terrorism which formed by United States in September 2014, but Iran has continued its policy to support Iraq by sending the Military advisers and providing weapons.
The research aimed to clarify the Iranian attitude towards ISIS Occupation Of AL–Mosul in 2014. The Iranian government immediately realized the extent of dangerous not only on its national security but also on its political and economic interests in the region in addition to the religious importance of Iraq especially to Iran. This led the Iranian government to take serious and effective steps in order to help the Iraqi government. The Iranian helping was represented by sending military advisers and providing various types of weapons that had a significant impact on the military operation against terrorism in Iraq. In spite of exclusion Iran from the international coalition to anti-terrorism which formed by United States in September 2014, but Iran has continued its policy to support Iraq by sending the Military advisers and providing weapons.
يهدف البحث الى توضيح الموقف الايراني من سقوط الموصل بيد داعش عام 2014 ، إذْ ادركت الحكومة الايرانية على الفور مدى خطورة ذلك ليس على آمنها القومي فحسب ، بل وعلى مصالحها السياسية والاقتصادية في المنطقة ، ناهيك عن ما يمثله العراق من اهمية دينية خاصة لايران الامر الذي دفع الحكومة الايرانية لاتخاذ خطوات جدية وفعالة من اجل تقديم المساعدة لنظيرتها العراقية، تمثلت بارسال المستشارين العسكريين ومختلف انواع الاسلحة والاعتدة، مما كان له اثر كبير في التصدي للعمليات الارهابية التي كان يقوم بها داعش في العراق . وبالرغم من استبعاد ايران من التحالف الدولي لمكافحة الارهاب الذي شكلته الولايات المتحدة الامريكية في ايلول 2014 ، الا ان ايران استمرت في سياستها الداعمة للعراق ، سواء كان ذلك من خلال ارسالها المستشارين العسكريين او من خلال الاسلحة والاعتدة.