The auditor of contemporary global changes that occurs in our lives today becomes clear that they are more than just emergency crises that end with the entry of the world into the twenty-first century or with minor modifications to our daily behaviors and skills. Rather, they indicate the emergence of a new era in thoughts, concepts and applications.
Science develops within moments, and the added value resulting from its applications has increased its innovation and obsolescence processes, and every day new sciences and disciplines that were not known before it appeared, and its future orientation is centered on interdisciplinary and finding research entrances that contain these branches. Whereas informatics is characterized by control, interaction and temporal and spatial communications , which increased its employment in the educational and learning process and led to the emergence of new and previously unknown educational institutions and patterns, and its future orientation is centered on smart systems characterized by taste, smell and sensation, and in the development of what is known as collective intelligence. As for the economic, political and cultural variables of globalization, they linked the global to the local and made the world a small global village that exchanges influences, events and developments in all fields, which the global human being must learn to live in this global village with the necessary values, trends and behaviors that qualify him to know others to deal with them and respect their cultural specificities, and to ensure that learning to function while growing, Economic blocs, mergers, international standards and World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements. And in light of the increasing interdependence of the economies of countries, the increase in the movement of goods, services, labors, capitals and investments among them, and the intensification of competition in the local and global markets so that survival becomes the fittest, the best and the least expensive matter at the same time, and he must learn how to participate in building civil society on the foundations of democracy and citizenship. Positive dialogue, cultural pluralism, peace building and international cooperation, in light of increasing interdependence (3).
The educational system is highly influential and affected by the surrounding global variables, and since the teacher is the cornerstone of the educational process, and one of the most prominent elements of the educational system, the roles that he plays and the means and methods he uses will be affected accordingly, which requires determining these variables, and the extent of their impact on the formation of the teacher, and then suggesting the necessary programs to enable the teacher to interact seriously with these variables. Accordingly, the research problem is summarized in the following main questions: 1) what is the impact of contemporary global variables on the formation of the teacher, 2) and the teacher has an important role in instilling the values and principles through which society is reformed through science through which students will be able to build the five-year pyramid of knowledge represented in knowledge, how to employ knowledge, compatibility with knowledge, knowledge of facilitation, and knowledge of life and its basic requirements.
In the light of the challenges faced by the whole world, including the globalization that we live in today, which was the result of rapid developments in a world full of communication technologies that pervaded the whole world, it becomes necessary to harness these technologies in order to deliver information to all areas of life, especially education across time and place and make it grow through that role what the teacher has done through electronic or digital education because of those conditions that have occurred all over the glob in general and in our country in particular from the openness of the Iraqi citizen to the techniques that exist in the world, which our country is being debrived of, and employing them in the effective service of mankind, as well as the Corona pandemic, which made social distancing a must, and with this the process of education, and the other life in general has been stopped.
The necessity necessitated the existence of successful solutions that would give positive results and achieve continuity in the educational process, in particular, as the main reason for the process of knowledge and building generations, and achieving a future for the country, society and the individual alike, and then practicing other general areas of life. Besides, we must not marginalize the guiding role of the family in sowing the spirit of perseverance the student of knowledge at home, and the community abroad, and all of these complement in order to continue the educational process and gauranttee all the ways that benefit him from the means to reach his desired goals by acquiring knowledge and keeping pace with the world in rapid development. From this point of view, the vast majority seeks it for the sake of advancement of society to the highest level. Its goals and the role of the family in raising children is more extensive and deeper than what was prevalent in primitive and late societies. Therefore, psychology is interested in studying the child and his family's problems and needs, and shows that the child always needs to loved and being loved, in need of kindness and care, and that many of the mental and psychological disorders that the child suffers are due to his lack of love and kindness. It is not sufficient for the family to feed its newborn baby, clothe him, and provide him with his material needs; however, it must rather first and foremost provide him with tenderness and affection that he cannot live without. There is no doubt that depriving him of sympathy is at the expense of his younger or older brothers, at the expense of his brother or sister, and even at the expense of one of his parents. Analytical psychology has shown that a child could be jealous of his mother and father, of his sisters and brothers and even of the guest child. He demands his right of love and care, and is keen to obtain it completely without incompleteness. It has been proven that many of the child’s pathological behavior, which appears to be due to physical causes, is actually psychological and is due to the child’s jealousy. To his sense of neglegence to his lack of love. The tendency of some of them to stubbornness, crying, anger and destruction is due to their need for love and their feeling of lacking it. Undoubtedly, the family atmosphere and the type of relationships that surround it are like the turmoil of the Jubilee. The disorder of the father’s relations with the mother or vice versa, or the disorder of the brotherly relations, or the disorder of the family’s relations with other families, has a great relationship to the delinquency and rebellion of children, and the child’s lack of love pushes him to leave his community and his tendency to take revenge on him. There is nothing that makes a child straight in nature and moderate in his emotions and desires, such as the orgnization of the family and his care with love and kindness (4).
And we have to know that the child depends in everything on his society, whether it is the family society or the area surrounding it, and that he needs someone to help him distinguish between good and evil, between right and wrong, between moral and immoral, and shows him what religion, customs and traditions allow and what they forbid. He needs to form his personality, refine his character, and build himself to be able to distinguish between what is permissible and what is and to decide his duties, know his rights, and act according to his conscience. That is, he can be free from the help of others. This is what we call independent education which makes the child a person capable of relying on himself in the future; and to live without fear or contract. These make him a social human being able to contribute to building his society and work on its advancement and progress .
Islamic education takes care of the child from birth because it sees in him the human instinct that tends to religion and faith, and that his parents are the ones who influence him in action and word (5) , and as said the glorious Hadeeth: (Every newborn is born with a natural instinct, but his parents make him Jew, Christian, or Mjishan) (6). That is why this research came under the title (The Role of the Teacher and Society in Digital Education). It consists of four sections, in the first topic the role of the teacher, and the second topic is the role of society in digital education
As for the third topic, we mentioned a list of the most prominent results in general, and the fourth topic is about the obstacles facing the teacher and the society in digital education