The growing interest in conserving the architectural urban heritage and methods of protecting it, made countries, governments ,local groups and departments show interest in this topic more than any time before.Sustainability in its various dimensions and the process of urban conservation are inseparable. Urban heritage is one of the sources of National economy which can not be replaced or renewed and should be sustained for the coming generation. Therefore , this research focuses on the issue of urban heritage, distributed between cities and groups of buildings ( as a part of the urban fabric).Sustainability is integrated with the concept of urban conservation in terms of communication and continuity between the past and the future through the expression of the present actions.Urban conservation can be defined as a process which includes all the strategies and methods to ensure the survival of heritage as long as possible in order to influence the life of the community.The research problem is: Providing knowledge about the methods of sustainable urban conservation in the heritage urban areas,so as to stop the waste in the heritage and to propose a mechanism for dealing with architectural and urban heritage. Research objective:This research seeks to understand the characteristics of urban sustainability in the urban heritage through: developing a framework of the tripartite relationship between (sustainability , practice of urban and urban conservation) which the research suggests it to achieve sustainable urban conservation in our local environment . The research established a set of conclusions and recommendations, which confirm the need to integrate conservation strategies with the requirements of urban sustainability, so as to achieve sustainable urban conservation in the heritage urban areas.
Sustainability - Urban Conservation - Architectural Heritage.
الاستدامة- الحفاظ العمراني - التراث العمراني.