The increase in the amount of data in encrypted databases has caused problems in data processing and retrieval time. In traditional query processing methods, there are many difficulties in execute query over an encrypted database because it is time-consuming. In this paper, proposes technique for querying encrypted databases records, allows authorized users to execute queries without decrypting all there cords of the encrypted database. In this technique, in verted table s include the numbers of 3D box cover locations that we recreated to enhance and speed up the retrieval time of query and improve an approach of data embedding according to the random 3D box. The proposed method has been examined on the Iraqi voter encrypted Database. The retrieval time in (second, millisecond) has been computed for the traditional method of query processing and proposed technique that using inverted tables. The retrieval time of query executing of proposed techniques without retrieval of all the records of the encrypted database is 10.870 (se con ds, millisecond) where the retrieval time of query executing of conventional method that’s retrieval of all the re cords of the encrypted database is 40.682 (se con ds, millisecond).