Mobile companies have occupied a clear position in the legal research, due to their activities related to the reality in which we live, and given the continuous development in the means of communication, they have taken different forms in terms of the way they implement and satisfy the needs of citizens, which requires the recognition of these companies with the legal personality to carry out these works, as is the case in Any development, especially technical development, is often accompanied by certain opportunities that are exploited by weak-minded people to commit illegal activities, some of which are classified as criminal, and sometimes the perpetrators of these activities are the communication companies themselves. It is called fraudulent activities that represent the crime of fraud that occurs from mobile companies. Therefore, the countries' attention focused on regulating and managing these companies, and imposing effective control over them in terms of penalties when they violate the legal system that governs them, and we will discuss the details of this in our research
النظام القانوني، جريمة الاحتيال، شركات الموبايل، اركان جريمة الاحتيال.