The current study verified the impact of E-government readiness on The
Institutional Performance and the extent of the relationship between these
two variables, and the choice of the Nineveh Governorate Bureau as a field
for research, as the study aims to show the role of E-government Readiness
in enhancing Institutional Performance, and to show the interest of the
researched institution (Nineveh Governorate Bureau) With these two
variables, and knowing the level of employee feeling in the researched
institution about the extent of availability of the E-government Readiness
dimensions, and the extent of their agreement on its role in enhancing the
performance of the researched institution, as the questionnaire form was
adopted in collecting data, as this form included paragraphs related to the
study variables, The study was applied on a random sample of (247)
individuals represented by employees in the Nineveh Governorate Bureau,
and the data collected was strengthened by personal interviews with some
leaders and employees in the researched institution who are related to the
subject of the study to ensure correctness, comprehensiveness and
objectivity The data collected from the researched institution, and the study
relied on the analytical descriptive approach, and a number of statistical
methods were used. The most important results are The presence of a
positive impact of E-government Readiness on Institutional Performance.
Institutional Performance and the extent of the relationship between these
two variables, and the choice of the Nineveh Governorate Bureau as a field
for research, as the study aims to show the role of E-government Readiness
in enhancing Institutional Performance, and to show the interest of the
researched institution (Nineveh Governorate Bureau) With these two
variables, and knowing the level of employee feeling in the researched
institution about the extent of availability of the E-government Readiness
dimensions, and the extent of their agreement on its role in enhancing the
performance of the researched institution, as the questionnaire form was
adopted in collecting data, as this form included paragraphs related to the
study variables, The study was applied on a random sample of (247)
individuals represented by employees in the Nineveh Governorate Bureau,
and the data collected was strengthened by personal interviews with some
leaders and employees in the researched institution who are related to the
subject of the study to ensure correctness, comprehensiveness and
objectivity The data collected from the researched institution, and the study
relied on the analytical descriptive approach, and a number of statistical
methods were used. The most important results are The presence of a
positive impact of E-government Readiness on Institutional Performance.
creativity and innovation
Efficiency and effectiveness
Service improvement
تحققت الدراسة الحالية من أثر جاهزية الحكومة الالكترونية في الأداء المؤسسي ومدى العلاقة بين هذين المتغيرين، واختيار ديوان محافظة نينوى ميداناً للبحث، إذ تهدف الدراسة إلى إظهار دور جاهزية الحكومة الالكترونية في تعزيز الاداء المؤسسي، وبيان مدى اهتمام المؤسسة المبحوثة (ديوان محافظة نينوى)، ومعرفة مستوى شعور الموظفين في المؤسسة المبحوثة بمدى توافر أبعاد جاهزية الحكومة الالكترونية، ومدى اتفاقهم على دورها في تعزيز أداء المؤسسة المبحوثة، إذ تم اعتماد استمارة الاستبانة في جمع البيانات، إذ تضمنت هذه الاستمارة فقرات ذات علاقة بمتغيرات الدراسة، وقد طبقت الدراسة على عينة عشوائية مكونة من (247) شخصاً من الأفراد المبحوثين متمثلة بالموظفين في ديوان محافظة نينوى، وتم تعزيز البيانات التي تم جمعها بالمقابلات الشخصية مع بعض القيادات والموظفين في المؤسسة المبحوثة من ذوي العلاقة بموضوع الدراسة للتأكد من صحة وشمولية وموضوعية البيانات التي تم جمعها من المؤسسة المبحوثة، واعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وتم استخدام عدداً من الأساليب الإحصائية، إذ توصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج أهمها: وجود علاقة ارتباط و أثر إيجابي لجاهزية الحكومة الالكترونية في الأداء المؤسسي.
الكفاءة والفاعلية؛ الإبداع والابتكار؛ تحسين الخدمة