Al–Quds has, in addition to the religious importance, a historical, economic, social and cultural significance. Palestine is inseparable part from the Arab Homeland, its inhabitants are Arabs, their Language is Arabic and of Arab traditions. Its position in the imperialistic West realized the value of Palestine, thereby, it planted the Zionist entity to separate the Arab East from the West to hinder the Arab connection. Since this entity has been established, there were continued feverish attempts to create a new status in Al – Quds by geographic and demographic variables to judaize it as what happened in the dear city of Yafa which has been concealed and then became Tel – Aviv city.
Al – Quds was exposed to three painful beats, the first, is the occupation of what is known “the Western Quds” in 11 December 1949. The second, is most of the district of Al – Quds and the surrounding towns fell under the Zionist control and Al – Quds included only the center and the old city and what is surrounding it. The third, when the Palestinians lost more than half of the city and most of its district as Al – Quds lost its position as a capital and the East of Al – Quds has been changed from a big city into a village.
During and after the war of June 1967; the Israeli resolution, on Al – Quds accession to Israel and to consider it Israeli Lands leaving the West bank as occupied lands, has been issued. The Zionist entity made different steps to judaize Al – Quds, the first is the accession and considering the Palestinian citizens in Al – Quds as foreigner in the Zionist entity according to Israeli entering law in 1954, that is, it considered that Palestinians in Al – Quds decided collectively and in one night to enter to the Zionist entity, exceeding the fact the Zionist army entered Al – Quds as an occupation force.
So, the native people of Al – Quds were in need of residence right in their country. Then the borders of Al – Quds municipality have been enlarged and the Zionists tried to change the status quo in Al – Quds by geographic changes aimed at what is named by the British researcher Kate Marjorie “Israelization” of Al – Quds who made an important study about the Israeli steps to seize Al – Quds. She said that the Zionists are going to change the character of Al – Quds to judaize it in both demographic and administrative aspects.
The research approached themes such as, Al – Quds: its meaning, position and importance.. maintaining Islamic and Arab identity of Al – Quds, the Arabism of Al – Quds and Al – Quds and judaization attempts. It affirmed that the Palestinians and Arabs have resisted and they are still confronting the judaization and their prime measure was establishing the high Islamic institution which depended on legal opinion: if the Muslim territories are occupied by non – Muslims, then the Muslims must manage their affaires by themselves. Definitely, that Palestinians since 1967 engaging in severe battles to protect their cultural and social foundations in Al – Quds and they are working intensively to prevent annexing these foundations to the Israeli foundations. Arabs must support them in this way. This conference is one of these means that assert the importance of struggle for keeping Al – Quds as an Islamic and Arab City.
Al–Quds has, in addition to the religious importance, a historical, economic, social and cultural significance. Palestine is inseparable part from the Arab Homeland, its inhabitants are Arabs, their Language is Arabic and of Arab traditions. Its position in the imperialistic West realized the value of Palestine, thereby, it planted the Zionist entity to separate the Arab East from the West to hinder the Arab connection. Since this entity has been established, there were continued feverish attempts to create a new status in Al – Quds by geographic and demographic variables to judaize it as what happened in the dear city of Yafa which has been concealed and then became Tel – Aviv city.
Al – Quds was exposed to three painful beats, the first, is the occupation of what is known “the Western Quds” in 11 December 1949. The second, is most of the district of Al – Quds and the surrounding towns fell under the Zionist control and Al – Quds included only the center and the old city and what is surrounding it. The third, when the Palestinians lost more than half of the city and most of its district as Al – Quds lost its position as a capital and the East of Al – Quds has been changed from a big city into a village.
During and after the war of June 1967; the Israeli resolution, on Al – Quds accession to Israel and to consider it Israeli Lands leaving the West bank as occupied lands, has been issued. The Zionist entity made different steps to judaize Al – Quds, the first is the accession and considering the Palestinian citizens in Al – Quds as foreigner in the Zionist entity according to Israeli entering law in 1954, that is, it considered that Palestinians in Al – Quds decided collectively and in one night to enter to the Zionist entity, exceeding the fact the Zionist army entered Al – Quds as an occupation force.
So, the native people of Al – Quds were in need of residence right in their country. Then the borders of Al – Quds municipality have been enlarged and the Zionists tried to change the status quo in Al – Quds by geographic changes aimed at what is named by the British researcher Kate Marjorie “Israelization” of Al – Quds who made an important study about the Israeli steps to seize Al – Quds. She said that the Zionists are going to change the character of Al – Quds to judaize it in both demographic and administrative aspects.
The research approached themes such as, Al – Quds: its meaning, position and importance.. maintaining Islamic and Arab identity of Al – Quds, the Arabism of Al – Quds and Al – Quds and judaization attempts. It affirmed that the Palestinians and Arabs have resisted and they are still confronting the judaization and their prime measure was establishing the high Islamic institution which depended on legal opinion: if the Muslim territories are occupied by non – Muslims, then the Muslims must manage their affaires by themselves. Definitely, that Palestinians since 1967 engaging in severe battles to protect their cultural and social foundations in Al – Quds and they are working intensively to prevent annexing these foundations to the Israeli foundations. Arabs must support them in this way. This conference is one of these means that assert the importance of struggle for keeping Al – Quds as an Islamic and Arab City.
AL-Quds and Judaization
Judaization and confrontation procedures.
مستخلص البحث
فضلاً عن الأهمية الدينية للقدس، فان لها أهميتها التاريخية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية. ففلسطين جزء لا يتجزأ من الوطن العربي وسكانها عرب ولغتهم عربية وعاداتهم عربية، وموقع فلسطين من خريطة الوطن العربي موقع القلب من الجسد الحي. وقد أدرك الغرب الاستعماري قيمة فلسطين، فزرع الكيان الصهيوني ليفصل المشرق عن مغربه، ويحول دون تحقيق التواصل العربي. ومنذ إنشاء هذا الكيان، والمحاولات المحمومة لخلق واقع جديد في القدس مستمرة، ويجري ذلك في صورة متغيرات جغرافية وسكانية يأمل الصهاينة في النهاية إلى تهويدها وجعل مصيرها كمصير مدينة يافا العربية العزيزة التي اختفت من الخرائط وحلّت محلّها مدينة تل أبيب.
فضلاً عن الأهمية الدينية للقدس، فان لها أهميتها التاريخية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية. ففلسطين جزء لا يتجزأ من الوطن العربي وسكانها عرب ولغتهم عربية وعاداتهم عربية، وموقع فلسطين من خريطة الوطن العربي موقع القلب من الجسد الحي. وقد أدرك الغرب الاستعماري قيمة فلسطين، فزرع الكيان الصهيوني ليفصل المشرق عن مغربه، ويحول دون تحقيق التواصل العربي. ومنذ إنشاء هذا الكيان، والمحاولات المحمومة لخلق واقع جديد في القدس مستمرة، ويجري ذلك في صورة متغيرات جغرافية وسكانية يأمل الصهاينة في النهاية إلى تهويدها وجعل مصيرها كمصير مدينة يافا العربية العزيزة التي اختفت من الخرائط وحلّت محلّها مدينة تل أبيب.
. القدس والتهويد ،التهويد واجراءات المواجهة