The research aims to highlight the significance of language and grammar of the word unification, is a comparative study between Alnhoyen fundamentalists and the word of Tawheed (no God but Allah) 0 Valenhoion took care of the installation by expressing them as the expression of views in the name of Allah after the fact, but also estimated the deleted yet but that is news to - No - precluding the genus 0
The purists, they took care made sense for this installation, and this comes from calls their approach to study the meaning of words and structure, as interest in the Ol
The purists, they took care made sense for this installation, and this comes from calls their approach to study the meaning of words and structure, as interest in the Ol
يهدف هذا البحث إلى بيان الدلالة النحوية واللغوية لكلمة التوحيد – لا اله إلا اللهُ- فهو دراسة مقارنة بين النحويين والأصوليين , فقد اهتم النحويون بإعراب هذا التركيب , إذ كانت لهم آراء في إعراب لفظ الجلالة -الله- الواقع بعد إلا في الإستثناء المنفي , أما الأصوليون فقد اهتموا ببيان المعنى لهذا التركيب وهذا يأتي من منهجهم الداعي إلى الاهتمام بالمعنى.