The present study included 180 infants blood samples were collected from Bint-Alhuda hospital atAl-Nasiriya province during a period of October 2016 to March 2017, ninety of them were newborninfants in the first week of their life compliant a severe hyperbilirubinemia, other 90 samples werenormal healthy infants as control group.A questionnaire sheet was filled out for each infant studied which included, age of mother ,Age ofgestation, weight of baby , blood group of both mother and her infant, area of residence and medicalhistory then statistically analyzed.Hemoglobin ,packed cell volume (PCV) and level to of total serumbilirubin were measured in all samples studied including jaundice infants.It was noticed increases in the incidence of jaundice with infants whoseweight less was than 2 Kgand significant differences were documented between urban rural residences of mother with jaundiceinfants . It was also noted elevation in the level of TSB among jaundice infants, significantcorrelation between weight and age of infants studied or age of mother and the level of TSB , HBand PCV of studied infants.The present study also recorded a relation between maternal blood group and jaundice where itincrease with O blood specially Rh(+ve).In concern with Torch infection ( Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus and Herpes) and itsrelation with prolong of jaundice ( staying in hospital loner than 14 days), its show positive resultswith all samples for this group