After the ending of the absolute possession stage from the deployment of political awareness and the emergence of democratic principles on the one hand, and the states try to gain independence from colonial powers on the other hand, the election has become a basic and important pillars, that abounded calling about it .through all owing people to choose the form of government and their representatives, which is one of the aspects of constitutional law, the international community was started through conferences and treaties to include topics related to the elections at the base of their charters and themes to emphasize individual freedom of aspects to stand for election and vote in one of the important democratic principles, which is near the human rights and citizen, as we have tried through our research this give a simple picture of the definition of election and forms its, and in the other side, we talked about the role of international and regional standards that ensured the inclusion of so related issues of the rights of individuals within the domestic laws of the countries which played an important role during the previous period as well as the period coming from the future of the world.
After the ending of the absolute possession stage from the deployment of political awareness and the emergence of democratic principles on the one hand, and the states try to gain independence from colonial powers on the other hand, the election has become a basic and important pillars, that abounded calling about it .through all owing people to choose the form of government and their representatives, which is one of the aspects of constitutional law, the international community was started through conferences and treaties to include topics related to the elections at the base of their charters and themes to emphasize individual freedom of aspects to stand for election and vote in one of the important democratic principles, which is near the human rights and citizen, as we have tried through our research this give a simple picture of the definition of election and forms its, and in the other side, we talked about the role of international and regional standards that ensured the inclusion of so related issues of the rights of individuals within the domestic laws of the countries which played an important role during the previous period as well as the period coming from the future of the world.
International standards
Regional standards
the elections
بعد انتهاء مرحلة الملكية المطلقة جراء نشر الوعي السياسي وظهور المبادئ الديمقراطية من جهة، ومحاولة الدول للحصول على الاستقلال من سلطات الاستعمار من جهة أخرى، أصبحت الانتخابات أحد الركائز الاساسية والمهمة التي كثرت المناداة حوله من خلال فسح المجال أمام الشعوب في اختيار شكل الحكم واشخاص ممثليهم ، والذي بدوره تمثل أحد جوانب القانون الدستوري ، وقد بدء المجتمع الدولي عن طريق المؤتمرات والمعاهدات ادراج المواضيع المتعلقة بالانتخابات في صلب مواثيقها ومواضيعها لتؤكد على الحرية الفردية من نواحي الترشيح للانتخابات والتصويت فيها كأحد المبادئ الديمقراطية المهمة والذي يكون لصيقا بحقوق الانسان والمواطن، إذ حاولنا من خلال بحثنا هذا اعطاء صورة بسيطة عن تعريف الانتخابات وأنواع ه من جانب، وفي الجانب الاخر تطرقنا عن دور المعايير الدولية والاقليمية التي ضمنت ادراج هكذا مسائل متعلقة بحقوق الافراد ضمن القوانين الداخلية للدول والتي لعبت دوراً مهما خلال الفترة السابقة بالإضافة إلى الفترة الاتية من مستقبل دول العالم .
المعايير الاقليمية
المعايير الدولية