A laboratory study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the chemical pesticides Actara, Abamectin, Oxymatrim, and two bioformulation Varanestra (V. lecanii) and Almite (H. thompsonii) and their combination on adults and pupae of the Liriomyza bryoniae. The results showed that the most compatibility pesticide with V.lecanii and H.thompsonii were Actara, while Abamectin and Oxymatrine did not showed compatibility with these fungi.
The treatment of Abamectin was superior in adult mortality 55.56% at the half-field concentration (FC-50%), followed by Actara was 46.67%, while the lowest mortality percentage of Oxymatrine treatment was 38.89%. The treatment of Varunestra was significantly higher in mortality percentage of adults was 55.60%, while the lowest mortality percentage for Almite treatment was 42.20%. There was no significant difference in adults mortality percentage for both the mixture (Actara + Varunestra) and the mixture (Actara + Almite), which reached 56.66% and 52.22%, respectively.
The treatment of the mixture (Actara + Varunestra) was superior In reducing adults emergence percentage from pupae of 8.88%, which did not differ significantly from the treatment of the mixture (Actara + Almite), which reached to 12.22%.Results showed that Actara was compatibility with two bioformulation Varanestra (V.lecanii) and Almite (H. thompsonii) to control adults and pupae of the Liriomyza bryoniae
The treatment of Abamectin was superior in adult mortality 55.56% at the half-field concentration (FC-50%), followed by Actara was 46.67%, while the lowest mortality percentage of Oxymatrine treatment was 38.89%. The treatment of Varunestra was significantly higher in mortality percentage of adults was 55.60%, while the lowest mortality percentage for Almite treatment was 42.20%. There was no significant difference in adults mortality percentage for both the mixture (Actara + Varunestra) and the mixture (Actara + Almite), which reached 56.66% and 52.22%, respectively.
The treatment of the mixture (Actara + Varunestra) was superior In reducing adults emergence percentage from pupae of 8.88%, which did not differ significantly from the treatment of the mixture (Actara + Almite), which reached to 12.22%.Results showed that Actara was compatibility with two bioformulation Varanestra (V.lecanii) and Almite (H. thompsonii) to control adults and pupae of the Liriomyza bryoniae
أجريت دراسة مختبرية لتقييم فاعلية المبيدات الكيمياوية Actara، Abamectinو Oxymatrimوالمستحضرين الحيويين Varunestra (V.lecanii) وAlmite (H.thompsonii) وتوافيقهما على بالغات وعذارى صانعة انفاق أوراق الطماطة Liriomyza bryoniae وقد أظهرت النتائج ان مبيد Actara اكثر المبيدات المختبرة توافقا مع الفطرين V.lecanii و H.thompsoniiأما المبيدين Abamectinو Oxymatrine اظهرا عدم توافقيتهما مع الفطرين. تفوقت معاملة Abamectin بنسبة قتل للبالغات بلغت %55.56 عند التركيز نصف الحقلي (ت ح - %50)، تلاها معاملة مبيد Actara بنسبة قتل بلغت %46.67, بينما اقل نسبة قتل لمعاملة Oxymatrine بلغت %38.89. تفوقت معاملة المستحضر الحيوي Varunestra(V.lecanii) بنسبة قتل للبالغات بلغت 55.60%، بينما كانت اقل نسبة قتل للمستحضر الحيوي Almite (H.thompsonii) بلغت 42.20%، وتبين عدم وجود فروق معنوية في نسبة القتل للبالغات لكلا التوافيقين Actara + Varunestra و Actara + Almite اذ بلغت56.66 و %52.22على التوالي. %. تفوقت معاملة الخليط Actara + Varunestraباقل نسبة بزوغ للبالغات بلغت %8.88، والتي لم تختلف معنويا عن معاملة الخليط Actara+Almiteالتي بلغت فيها نسبة البزوغ %12.22.