Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, which is an intracellular protozoan
parasite. Its main host is the cat. It is one of the most common human parasites. The main
objective of this study is to determine the time of T. gondii infection among pregnant women
by using avidity test of Toxoplasma IgG to various Toxoplasma antigens. The study period
was from August 2017 to February 2018 to study the time of toxoplasmosis among 180
pregnant women and 100 non pregnant married women as control attending to hospitals,
primary health care centers and some private medical laboratories. The pregnant women were
examined for Toxo-IgG seroprevalence by using ELISA technique, and then examined their
avidity of antibodies for specific Toxoplasma antigens by using line immune assay. The rates
of Toxo-IgG seropositive were64 (35.56 %) among pregnant women. Regarding the reactivity
of determined Toxo-IgG against various Toxoplasma antigens, the rates were 40(62.50%), 39
(60.93%), 63(98.43%) ,55(85.93%) ,63(98.43%), 62(96.87%) ,41(64.04%) and 42(65.62)
positive for Toxoplasma ROP1C, MIC3, GRA7, GRA8, p30, MAG1,GRA1,rSAG1 antigens,
respectively. Considering the avidity of Toxo-IgG for these antigens, the rates of high avidity
were higher than low and intermediate avidity. So, the highest rate of high avidity was 85.0%
for ROP1c antigen. It is concluded that the highest rate of predicting Toxoplasma infection
among pregnant women was for a period of more than 6 months, which makes it less
dangerous for maternal and fetal health.
parasite. Its main host is the cat. It is one of the most common human parasites. The main
objective of this study is to determine the time of T. gondii infection among pregnant women
by using avidity test of Toxoplasma IgG to various Toxoplasma antigens. The study period
was from August 2017 to February 2018 to study the time of toxoplasmosis among 180
pregnant women and 100 non pregnant married women as control attending to hospitals,
primary health care centers and some private medical laboratories. The pregnant women were
examined for Toxo-IgG seroprevalence by using ELISA technique, and then examined their
avidity of antibodies for specific Toxoplasma antigens by using line immune assay. The rates
of Toxo-IgG seropositive were64 (35.56 %) among pregnant women. Regarding the reactivity
of determined Toxo-IgG against various Toxoplasma antigens, the rates were 40(62.50%), 39
(60.93%), 63(98.43%) ,55(85.93%) ,63(98.43%), 62(96.87%) ,41(64.04%) and 42(65.62)
positive for Toxoplasma ROP1C, MIC3, GRA7, GRA8, p30, MAG1,GRA1,rSAG1 antigens,
respectively. Considering the avidity of Toxo-IgG for these antigens, the rates of high avidity
were higher than low and intermediate avidity. So, the highest rate of high avidity was 85.0%
for ROP1c antigen. It is concluded that the highest rate of predicting Toxoplasma infection
among pregnant women was for a period of more than 6 months, which makes it less
dangerous for maternal and fetal health.
Toxoplasma; Avidity; ROP1c; MIC3; GRA7.
داء القطط سببه طفيلي المقوسات الكوندية والتي تعيش داخل الخلية ومضيفها الرئيسي القطط وهي من الإصابات الطفيلية الشائعة في الإنسان. استهدفت الدراسة المقدمة لمعرفة فترة الإصابة بالمقوسات الكوندية بين النساء الحوامل عن طريق استخدام اختبار طمأنة ورغبة الأجسام المضادة نوع (جي) على مختلف مستضدات المقوسات الكوندية. حيث أجريت الدراسة للفترة من آب 2017 إلى شباط 2018 على 180 امرأة حامل و100 امرأة متزوجة وغير حامل راجعن مستشفيات ومراكز الرعاية الصحية الأولية وبعض المختبرات الأهلية. تم فحص مصل الدم للنساء الحوامل لإيجاد الأجسام المضادة نوع (جي) للمقوسات الكوندية باستخدام تقنية الايلايزا، ثم معرفة قابلية وتفاعل تلك الأجسام المضادة للمستضدات الخاصة بالمقوسات باستخدام اختبار المناعة الخطي الخاص بذلك. حيث كانت نسبة الأجسام المضادة نوع (جي) في مصل تلك النساء الحوامل 64(35.56 ٪). وفيما يتعلق بتفاعلية تلك الأجسام المضادة لمختلف المستضدات الخاصة كانت النتائج 40 (٪ 62.50) و 39 (60.93٪) و 63 (98.43٪) و 55 (85.93٪) و 63 (98.43٪) و 62 (96.87٪) و 41 (64.04٪) و 42 (65.62) موجبًا ل ROP1C، MIC3، GRA7، GRA8، p30، MAG1، GRA1 و rSAG1 بالترتيب. أما بالنسبة لقوة الرغبة لتلك الأجسام المضادة للمستضدات حيث كانت معدلات الرغبة العالية أعلى من الرغبة المنخفضة والمتوسطة، وكانت أعلى معدل من الرغبة العالية 85.0 ٪ لمستضد ROP1c. وان أعلى نسبة لتوقع فترة الإصابة بين النساء الحوامل كانت لفترة منذ أكثر من 6 أشهر وهذا ما يجعلها أقل خطورة على صحة الأم والجنين.
.Toxoplasma; Avidity ;ROP1c; MIC3 ; GRA7.