Minwal Journal
Journal Information
2958-6232 (Print)

Minwal Journal

About the Journal


A peer-reviewed monthly journal dedicated to publishing educational and psychological research, issued by the Iraqi Association for Educational and Psychological Studies.

Journal Scope

Publishing peer-reviewed educational, psychological and human research in accordance with the scientific standards followed in the methodology of scientific research in the psychological and educational field.

Copyright Notice

Editorial Board Members


Adnan Al Farah Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

University of Bahrain - Bahrain

Ahmed Ali Al-Amiri Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Taiz University - Yemen

Ali Raheem Mohammed
Ali Raheem Mohammed Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

University of Al-Qadisiyah- College of Education

Batoul Fadel Jawad Hazza
Batoul Fadel Jawad Hazza Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Diyala of universities - college of Biasic Education

Fathi Taha Mishaal Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

University of Mosul - College of Basic Education

Haider Kareem Sukar
Haider Kareem Sukar Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

College of Education - Al-Mustansiriya University

Haider Mohsen Salman Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

University of Thi Qar

Israa Fadhel Ameen
Israa Fadhel Ameen Dr. (دكتوراه) , Assistant Professor (استاذ مساعد)

University of Babylon - College of basic education

Jaafar Abu Saa Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Palestine University - Palestine

Maher Shaaban Abdel-Bary Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Benha University - Egypt

Moayad Manfi Mohammed
Moayad Manfi Mohammed Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Anbar University - College of Arts - Department of Sociology

Tamather Hameed Mahdi Husaeen
Tamather Hameed Mahdi Husaeen Dr. (دكتوراه) , Assistant Professor (استاذ مساعد)

College of Education for Girls - University of Baghdad

Zaid Bahlol Samin Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Al Jinan University - Lebanon


Alaa Abdul-Hussein Shabeb
Alaa Abdul-Hussein Shabeb Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Imam Al-Kadhum College (IKC)

Managing Editor

Samaa Turki Dikel
Samaa Turki Dikel Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

University of Baghdad / College of Education Ibn Rushd

Contact Info

العراق - بغداد - حي البنوك - قرب مجسر الطالبية

توجه جميع المراسلات الخاصة بالمجلة الى عنوان المجلة

Email: menw77@yahoo.com

إدارة تحرير مجلة (منوال) هاتف: 009647702553464