The current research aims to "exercise book calendar Arabic grammar middle of the first row in light levels of cognitive Bloom" by answering the following question:
- What percentage of repeat exercises that measure the level of each of the three levels of cognitive domain?
,And the extent of coverage of this exercise that the three levels identified by Bloom, also a research problem that revolves around the study and on the basis that the researchers conducted the assessment of Arabic grammar book first grade average.
The calendar book Arabic grammar first grade average came in light of Bloom's Taxonomy of three levels of mental cognition (knowledge, understanding, and application), has been used by researchers percentage arithmetic mean, and equation Cooper means statistically, so that was reached following results:
The level of knowledge obtained (63) again by (951.21%), and understanding obtained (64) again by (300.22%), and got on the application level (160) again by (749.55%).
- What percentage of repeat exercises that measure the level of each of the three levels of cognitive domain?
,And the extent of coverage of this exercise that the three levels identified by Bloom, also a research problem that revolves around the study and on the basis that the researchers conducted the assessment of Arabic grammar book first grade average.
The calendar book Arabic grammar first grade average came in light of Bloom's Taxonomy of three levels of mental cognition (knowledge, understanding, and application), has been used by researchers percentage arithmetic mean, and equation Cooper means statistically, so that was reached following results:
The level of knowledge obtained (63) again by (951.21%), and understanding obtained (64) again by (300.22%), and got on the application level (160) again by (749.55%).
٠ش ِٟ ا جٌؾش ا ؾٌب ٌٟ ا ٌٝ"رمٛ ٠ ر شّ ٠ بٕد وزبة لٛاػذ ا غٌٍخ ا ؼٌشث ١خ ظٌٍف ا ٤ٚي ا زٌّٛعؾ فٟ ػٛء
غِزٛ ٠بد ث ٍٛ ا ؼٌّشف ١خ " ؽش ٠ك ا ٦عبثخ ػ ا غٌئاي ا ٢رٟ:
بِ غٔجخ رىشاس ا زٌ شّ ٠ بٕد ا زٌٟ رم ١ظ و غِزٜٛ غِزٛ ٠بد ا غٌّبي ا ؼٌّشفٟ ا ضٌ ٩صخ؟ -
،ٚ ذِٜ رغط ١خ ز٘ ا زٌ شّ ٠ بٕد ر هٍ ا غٌّزٛ ٠بد ا ضٌ ٩صخ ا زٌٟ ؽذد ب٘ ث ٍٛ ،َ ٚ ٟ٘ أ ٠ؼ ب شِى خٍ ا جٌؾش ا زٌٟ رذٚس
ؽٛ ٌٙب ز٘ ا ذٌساعخ ٚػ ٍٝ اعبط ر هٌ أعشٜ ا جٌبؽش ثزمٛ ٠ وزبة لٛاػذ ا غٌٍخ ا ؼٌشث ١خ ظٌٍف ا ٤ٚي
ا زٌّٛعؾ.
أ رمٛ ٠ وزبة لٛاػذ ا غٌٍخ ا ؼٌشث ١خ ظٌٍف ا ٤ٚي ا زٌّٛعؾ عبء فٟ ػٛء رظ ١ٕف ث ٍٛ غٌّزٛ ٠بد
ا ٨دسان ا ؼٌم ٍٟ ا ضٌ ٩صخ)ا ؼٌّشفخ،ٚا فٌٙ ،ُٚا زٌطج ١ك(،ٚلذ أعزؼ ا جٌبؽش إ غٌجخ ا ئٌّٛ ٠خ ٚع ١ خٍ ؽغبث ١خ،
ٚ ؼِبد خٌ وٛثش
ٚع ١ خٍ اؽظبئ ١خ، ثؾ ١ش ر ا زٌٛط ا ٌٝ إ زٌبئظ ا ٢ر ١خ:
ا غِزٜٛ ا ؼٌّشفخ ؽظ ػ ٍٝ ) 63 ( رىشا سا ث غٕجخ ) 951 , %21 (، ٚا فٌٙ ؽظ ػ ٍٝ) 64 ( رىشا س ا
ث غٕجخ ) 300 , %22 (، ٚؽظ غِزٜٛ ا زٌطج ١ك ػ ٍٝ) 160 ( رىشا س ا ث غٕجخ ) 749 , .)%55
ٚلذ ر خّغ ا جٌؾش ا ؾٌب ٌٟ ػ رٛط ١بد زِؼذدح ِٕٙب:
1 أ ٠ؤخز و غِزٜٛ ظٔ ١ج ا ىٌبفٟ ا زٌ شّ ٠ بٕد ؽش ٠ك ا ٌّٛاص خٔ ث ١ ا غٌّزٛ ٠بد ا زٌٟ ؽذد ب٘ ث ٍٛ .َ -
2 ػشٚسح رٛص ٠غ ا زٌ شّ ٠ بٕد ث ؾٍٕٛ زِ بٕعتٍ غِ أ ذ٘اف ا ىٌزبة، ٚا ؾٌّزٜٛ ا ذٌساعٟ. -
ٚخضٍ ا جٌؾش ا ٌٝ ػذح مِزشؽبد أ ّٙ٘ب:
-1 دساعخ بِّص خٍ بٌّ لب ث ا جٌبؽش فٟ شِاؽ دساع ١خ أُخش
غِزٛ ٠بد ث ٍٛ ا ؼٌّشف ١خ " ؽش ٠ك ا ٦عبثخ ػ ا غٌئاي ا ٢رٟ:
بِ غٔجخ رىشاس ا زٌ شّ ٠ بٕد ا زٌٟ رم ١ظ و غِزٜٛ غِزٛ ٠بد ا غٌّبي ا ؼٌّشفٟ ا ضٌ ٩صخ؟ -
،ٚ ذِٜ رغط ١خ ز٘ ا زٌ شّ ٠ بٕد ر هٍ ا غٌّزٛ ٠بد ا ضٌ ٩صخ ا زٌٟ ؽذد ب٘ ث ٍٛ ،َ ٚ ٟ٘ أ ٠ؼ ب شِى خٍ ا جٌؾش ا زٌٟ رذٚس
ؽٛ ٌٙب ز٘ ا ذٌساعخ ٚػ ٍٝ اعبط ر هٌ أعشٜ ا جٌبؽش ثزمٛ ٠ وزبة لٛاػذ ا غٌٍخ ا ؼٌشث ١خ ظٌٍف ا ٤ٚي
ا زٌّٛعؾ.
أ رمٛ ٠ وزبة لٛاػذ ا غٌٍخ ا ؼٌشث ١خ ظٌٍف ا ٤ٚي ا زٌّٛعؾ عبء فٟ ػٛء رظ ١ٕف ث ٍٛ غٌّزٛ ٠بد
ا ٨دسان ا ؼٌم ٍٟ ا ضٌ ٩صخ)ا ؼٌّشفخ،ٚا فٌٙ ،ُٚا زٌطج ١ك(،ٚلذ أعزؼ ا جٌبؽش إ غٌجخ ا ئٌّٛ ٠خ ٚع ١ خٍ ؽغبث ١خ،
ٚ ؼِبد خٌ وٛثش
ٚع ١ خٍ اؽظبئ ١خ، ثؾ ١ش ر ا زٌٛط ا ٌٝ إ زٌبئظ ا ٢ر ١خ:
ا غِزٜٛ ا ؼٌّشفخ ؽظ ػ ٍٝ ) 63 ( رىشا سا ث غٕجخ ) 951 , %21 (، ٚا فٌٙ ؽظ ػ ٍٝ) 64 ( رىشا س ا
ث غٕجخ ) 300 , %22 (، ٚؽظ غِزٜٛ ا زٌطج ١ك ػ ٍٝ) 160 ( رىشا س ا ث غٕجخ ) 749 , .)%55
ٚلذ ر خّغ ا جٌؾش ا ؾٌب ٌٟ ػ رٛط ١بد زِؼذدح ِٕٙب:
1 أ ٠ؤخز و غِزٜٛ ظٔ ١ج ا ىٌبفٟ ا زٌ شّ ٠ بٕد ؽش ٠ك ا ٌّٛاص خٔ ث ١ ا غٌّزٛ ٠بد ا زٌٟ ؽذد ب٘ ث ٍٛ .َ -
2 ػشٚسح رٛص ٠غ ا زٌ شّ ٠ بٕد ث ؾٍٕٛ زِ بٕعتٍ غِ أ ذ٘اف ا ىٌزبة، ٚا ؾٌّزٜٛ ا ذٌساعٟ. -
ٚخضٍ ا جٌؾش ا ٌٝ ػذح مِزشؽبد أ ّٙ٘ب:
-1 دساعخ بِّص خٍ بٌّ لب ث ا جٌبؽش فٟ شِاؽ دساع ١خ أُخش