Abstract :
The Kaaba has a great status among Muslims. It is the Sacred House of God. God made it a beacon of monotheism and a symbol of worship. It is the most sacred house in the sight of God. God has made clear its importance by giving it many names. The most famous description with which God described the Kaaba is the word (the House), as God Almighty said: (And when We made the House a place of rest for the people and a place of safety)In addition to the ancient house, it was given this name due to its antiquity or because it was freed from tyrants and tyrants, and it was described as (the forbidden house).This word came from the tongue of our master Abraham, peace be upon him, when he said: (Our Lord, I have settled some of my offspring in an uncultivated valley near Your Sacred House), in addition to many names by which the Kaaba and its parts were called.The House of God is a place of our security. God made it a reference point for people whose hearts attach to it. So God purified His House of idols and prepared it for those who wanted to circumambulate, pray, seclude themselves, and so on.Keywords: House of God, house, Kaaba, words.
The Kaaba has a great status among Muslims. It is the Sacred House of God. God made it a beacon of monotheism and a symbol of worship. It is the most sacred house in the sight of God. God has made clear its importance by giving it many names. The most famous description with which God described the Kaaba is the word (the House), as God Almighty said: (And when We made the House a place of rest for the people and a place of safety)In addition to the ancient house, it was given this name due to its antiquity or because it was freed from tyrants and tyrants, and it was described as (the forbidden house).This word came from the tongue of our master Abraham, peace be upon him, when he said: (Our Lord, I have settled some of my offspring in an uncultivated valley near Your Sacred House), in addition to many names by which the Kaaba and its parts were called.The House of God is a place of our security. God made it a reference point for people whose hearts attach to it. So God purified His House of idols and prepared it for those who wanted to circumambulate, pray, seclude themselves, and so on.Keywords: House of God, house, Kaaba, words.
للكعبة مكانة عظيمة عند المسلمين, هي بيت الله الحرام جعلها الله منارا للتوحيد ورمزا للعبادة فهي اعظم بيت حرمة عند الله, وقد اوضح الله اهميتها من خلال اطلاق اسماء عديده لها, وان اشهر وصف وصفه الله به الكعبة هي لفظة (البيت) كما قال تعالى : (وإذ جعلنا البيت مثابة للناس وأمنآ)
بالإضافة الى البيت العتيق وسمي بهذا الاسم لقدمه او لأنه عتق من الطغاة والجبابرة, ووصف بـ (البيت المحرم)وردت هذه اللفظة على لسان سيدنا ابراهيم عليه السلام حيث قال : (ربنا إني اسكنت من ذرتي بوادٍ غير ذي زرع عند بيتك المحرم) , بالإضافة الى اسماء كثيرة سميت بها الكعبة وأجزائها .فبيت الله مكان أمننا جعله الله مرجعا للناس تتعلق به قلوبهم, فطهر الله بيته من الاوثان وهيئه لمن اراد الطواف والصلاة والاعتكاف وغيرها
الكلمات المفتاحية: بيت الله , بيت , الكعبة , الألفاظ .
للكعبة مكانة عظيمة عند المسلمين, هي بيت الله الحرام جعلها الله منارا للتوحيد ورمزا للعبادة فهي اعظم بيت حرمة عند الله, وقد اوضح الله اهميتها من خلال اطلاق اسماء عديده لها, وان اشهر وصف وصفه الله به الكعبة هي لفظة (البيت) كما قال تعالى : (وإذ جعلنا البيت مثابة للناس وأمنآ)
بالإضافة الى البيت العتيق وسمي بهذا الاسم لقدمه او لأنه عتق من الطغاة والجبابرة, ووصف بـ (البيت المحرم)وردت هذه اللفظة على لسان سيدنا ابراهيم عليه السلام حيث قال : (ربنا إني اسكنت من ذرتي بوادٍ غير ذي زرع عند بيتك المحرم) , بالإضافة الى اسماء كثيرة سميت بها الكعبة وأجزائها .فبيت الله مكان أمننا جعله الله مرجعا للناس تتعلق به قلوبهم, فطهر الله بيته من الاوثان وهيئه لمن اراد الطواف والصلاة والاعتكاف وغيرها
الكلمات المفتاحية: بيت الله , بيت , الكعبة , الألفاظ .