The effectiveness of a training program based on intellectual teaching in developing the teaching skills of the applied students.
The current research aimed at building a program based on thinking teaching, and its effectiveness in developing the teaching skills of students of the Arabic language departments (applied) was known. After the program was built according to the scientific steps, the Arabic language department in the College of Education Ibn Rushd at the University of Baghdad was chosen to be As a field for research, and after conducting equivalencies, preparing the requirements for the experiment and building the teaching skills test, the tool was applied at the end of the experiment that lasted an entire semester, which is the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021,The superiority of the experimental group students was reached, which means that the program was effective in developing the teaching skills of the students of the research sample.
The current research aimed at building a program based on thinking teaching, and its effectiveness in developing the teaching skills of students of the Arabic language departments (applied) was known. After the program was built according to the scientific steps, the Arabic language department in the College of Education Ibn Rushd at the University of Baghdad was chosen to be As a field for research, and after conducting equivalencies, preparing the requirements for the experiment and building the teaching skills test, the tool was applied at the end of the experiment that lasted an entire semester, which is the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021,The superiority of the experimental group students was reached, which means that the program was effective in developing the teaching skills of the students of the research sample.
استهدف البحث الحالي بناء برنامج قائم على التدريس التفكري، وتعرف فاعليته في تنمية مهارات التدريس عند طلبة اقسام اللغة العربية (المطبقين)، وبعد ان تم بناء البرنامج على وفق الخطوات العلمية، وقع الاختيار على قسم اللغة العربية في كلية التربية ابن رشد في جامعة بغداد لتكون ميدانا للبحث، وبعد اجراء التكافؤات وتهيئة مستلزمات التجربة وبناء اختبار مهارات التدريس، تم تطبيق الاداة في نهاية التجربة التي استمرت فصلا دراسيا كاملا ، وهو الفصل الاول من العام الدراسي 2020-2021، وتم التوصل الى تفوق طلبة المجموعة التجريبية مما يعني ان البرنامج كان ذا فاعلية في تنمية مهارات التدريس عند الطلبة عينة البحث، وفي ضوء ذلك استنتجت الباحثة عددا من الاستنتاجات واوصت بعدد من التوصيات الاجرائية، فضلا عن اقتراح عناوين لدراسات لاحقة يمكن ان تكون مكملة للبحث الحالي.