This study was conducted during the season of 2010 in the orchard of technical institute at Kufa to determine the influence of pollen sources and spraying the fruit of liquorice extract at three growth stages on drop , yield and some characteristics of date palm fruits . Twelve uniform female trees " Zahdi cultivar " with 30 years old were selected for the experiment . Only six spathes on each tree were chosen before blooming flowers then removed the remaining spathes . Hand pollinated for each two adjacent spathes with pollen collected from one of the three common male cultivars "Kikri , Ghanami ahmar , or Rassasi " . The fruit setting was calculated after two weeks from pollination , fruit clusters were sprayed to drip point with 10% of liquorice extract in addition to the control " lifted the fruits without spraying " . The spraying was done in three periods during the stage of fruit growth and development " Hababuk , Chemri , Khalal " . Factorial experiment conducted in a randomized complete block design was used consist 12 treatment with three replicates in each treatment .
The experimental results indicated that pollinated with the male cultivar " Ghanami ahmar " caused significantly decreased of fruit drop percentage , increased the rate of bunch weight and the percentage of ripened fruits , spraying the fruits with liquorice extract " 10% " caused similar results when using any of the tree male cultivar in pollination , but pollinated with " Ghanami ahmar " and spraying the fruits with liquorice extract at Kalal stage gave best results in all traits studied in this research.
The experimental results indicated that pollinated with the male cultivar " Ghanami ahmar " caused significantly decreased of fruit drop percentage , increased the rate of bunch weight and the percentage of ripened fruits , spraying the fruits with liquorice extract " 10% " caused similar results when using any of the tree male cultivar in pollination , but pollinated with " Ghanami ahmar " and spraying the fruits with liquorice extract at Kalal stage gave best results in all traits studied in this research.
اجري البحث خلال الموسم 2010 في بستان المعهد التقني في الكوفة لغرض دراسة تأثير الصنف الذكري المستخدم في تلقيح نخلة التمر مع معاملة الثمار بالرش بالمحاليل المائية لجذور نبات السوس في التساقط وصفات الحاصل , فقد اختيرت 12 نخله من الصنف زهدي بعمر 30 سنه متجانسة تقريبا من حيث حجم المجموع الخضري ثم انتخبت على كل نخله ستة من الطلعات ( النورات الزهرية ) المتماثلة من حيث الحجم وموعد الظهور قبل تفتحها وأزيلت بقية الطلعات حيث تم تلقيح كل طلعتان متجاورتان بحبوب لقاح احد الأصناف الذكرية (خكري , غنامي احمر , أو الرصاصي ) وبعد أسبوعين من تاريخ التلقيح تم قياس نسبة العقد ثم رشت العذوق الثمريه بمستخلص جذور نبات السوس حتى الابتلال التام لجميع أجزاء العذق في ثلاثة مواعيد خلال مراحل نمو الثمرة ( الحبابوك , ألكمري , أو الخلال ) بتركيز 10% و صفر ( معاملة المقارنة ) وقد تم اتخاذ كافة الخطوات اللازمة لتأمين العزل الكامل بين الطلع أو العذوق إثناء عمليتي التلقيح أو الرش .